Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Josh is still sleeping when I leave to go get Courtney around ten A.M. I drive into town and grab two hot chocolates and two orange juices. One for me and one for Courtney. She chugs half of the orange juice as soon as I tell her it's for her. She's wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. "I was hoping you would have something I could wear. Maybe a dress or something. I don't own one and everything I have is either dirty or too uncomfortable to wear."

"Yeah, sure, you can look through my closet. Are you hungry? Do you want to go somewhere to eat?"

"Do you have hot dogs at your house?" She asks.

"Yes, that's the only summer food that I know how to cook on the grill."

"As long as you don't mind me eating a couple of those, then we're good."

"Hot dogs for breakfast?" I ask.

She nods her head. "And last night, cinnamon pancakes with peanut butter for dinner. I've been craving hot dogs for like, a week now."

"Well, we've got quite a bit at home."

She eats two hot dogs and then a banana and a few spoon fulls of peanut butter and then comes downstairs with me to find something to wear.

Josh is still sleeping and she climbs under the covers on my side of the bed.

I spend about five minutes looking for a pair of pants that would fit her and end up with a pair of black leggings. Those and a tiger shirt.

"This okay?" I ask her.

"What size are the leggings?" She asks.

I check the tag. "Large."

"Then yes."

I watch as Josh rolls over in bed and drapes his arm over her belly. I don't know if she really knows what's going on at first because all she does is wriggle a little bit so his arm isn't on her stomach anymore, but then she freezes.

He curls up into her and buries his head in the crook of her neck. After a minute, he jumps awake and then quickly moves back away from her. He looks at her and then over to me. "Molly, could you bring me a pair of shorts?" He says through his teeth.

Oh. I guess he never put them back on. I wasn't worried about this because he usually does.

He pulls them on under the covers and then gets out of bed. He kisses me on the cheek on his way to the bathroom.

The leggings fit Courtney perfectly and the shirt stretches a little around her belly. I let her wear my most comfortable booties and then let her do her hair after 

Josh gets out of the bathroom.

"Daniel and Jason have food poisoning." Josh says when I'm looking for something to wear in the closet.

"Really? From what?"

"I guess they had dinner at their sisters house and Daniel thinks it was undercooked chicken."

"So what are you going to do now?" I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders. "I can hide out here. I'm pretty tired anyway. How long is everyone going to be here?"

"Not long. Once most everybody gets here then we'll eat. Once everyone's done eating, Courtney will open some gifts and then a little after that, I'd say maybe fifteen minutes of talking to everyone then people will start leaving."

"I'll stay down here or in the loft then," He says. "As long as you bring me some food and nobody bothers me."

"Okay, babe."

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