Gray x Alex

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I wait silently for Ben to finally get out of class, he had gotten held up talking about his grades with the teacher. He comes out pouting "I have to give proof that I study noow, my parents have to call and tell him I studied for at least 30 minutes" I laugh at him and get a text from Eugene.

Eugene: I finally got Gray to join us after school at the pool hall be sure to tell Ben we're headed there now.

Alex: ok sorry Ben got held up with the teacher about his grades because he's a dumbass

I close my phone "Eugene finally got Gray to go to the pool hall" he jumps up and down excited "oooooo your finally gonna get to hang with your crush and it's your birthday". I turn bright red and cover my face at the looks we get when Ben yelled "shut up and you know how I am about my birthday".

He rolls his eyes "yeah yeah i'm the only one allowed to know because it's awkward that people want to celebrate it and you can't handle compliments so when people say happy birthday you freeze up and stutter over- OW!". I punched him and we exit the school where Gray and Eugene are waiting "what are you two doing here" Eugene turns around and smiles at us "I thought we would wait for you and walk together but why is Alex so red".

I turn even redder and answer before Ben can "that's irrelevant, lets go" and Ben being the asshole he is "well I was making fun of Gogo because it's his birthday and he gets embarrassed when people celebrate it with him". I turn at glare at him "oh c'mon really" he laughs "Gogo it's not a big deal I was planning on singing happy birthday to you in front of them anyway" he puts his arm around my shoulders "please don't sing".


I always had a certain pull to Alex I could never figure it out until about 3 days ago, I had a crush on him and knowing that I could barely look him in the eye. He tried getting Ben to not sing but he started anyway "HAPPY BIRTHDAY...." he was yelling, Eugene was singing regularly, and I was mumbling so nobody would notice I was.


I put my head down as people stare at our group, I look up at Gray hoping he would help but he was mumbling the lyrics as well. His eyes widen and he stops mumbling, we walk through the entrance of the underpass and the song gets interrupted after they said my name "so it's little Gogo's birthday" I look up and i'm met by the eyes of Jack Kang and some others but Jimmy Bae wasn't in sight. He smirks and continues "looks like I forgot your present I might have to come up with something on the spot how old are you 10? 11?" a low growl escapes my throat and he laughs knowing he pissed me off.

I don't really know how but a fight broke loose between Gray and some random guy in the group, while 4 of them went after Ben and Jack was left with me. I was distracted by Ben and he got the first punch in, but I was quick to retaliate and he ended up on the ground with me punching over and over. I was quickly thrown into a wall and met with blue eyes 'where the fuck did Jimmy come from' so while Ben was still busy with the group Jimmy started beating the shit out of me and threw me to the ground kicking me over and over.

I was no match for Jimmy so I was easily over powered, at least until Gray come and pushed him off of me and him knowing he wasn't any match either "Ben a little help here!" I never heard him yell before so it surprised me and Ben. He looked over quickly and finished off the last person before running over, and I couldn't see anything with the blood in my eyes. I tried wiping it out while leaning on the wall, I slowly slid down the bricks and pulled my shirt up wiping my eyes only catching a little of the fight before blood was in my eye again.

I groan in annoyance and give up before I jump like 10 feet in the air when someone grabs my shoulder, I calm down when they start wiping my eyes for me. I still didn't know who it was until they moved to the next eye and I could open one of them, I was even more confused seeing Gray squating next to me with a napkin wiping my eye.

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