Donald x Kingsley

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We get back to mine and Kingsley stays in the kitchen while I close my eyes and pick a movie "what did it land on?" he asks as he walks into the living room "Clueless..have you seen it?" he shakes his head. I shrug "oh well" I press play and we sit on the couch "this looks like a chick flick" he laughs and my brows furrow "she had a machine to match her clothes! what the hell!?" he laughs harder as I criticize everything in the movie "it's simple stay out of the other lane how hard is it for her to grasp that" he starts crying with how hard he is laughing.

I groan "you can't talk your way into getting a license dumbass!" his head falls onto my shoulder and I stay quiet for a while "dumb bitch he likes you and he's gaaaayyy stop breaking the other dudes heart!". He starts laughing again "called it I fucking called it he's gay" he chuckles this time, "are they trying to kill her! what if they dropped her? what would they do?" I groan in frustration and he laughs at how angry i'm getting at the movie. It finally gets to the end "Finally! they are both so oblivious" at this point Kingsley's face was red and he was trying to breathe correctly "are you alright" he nods "you are so critical when it comes to movies".

I get up and stretch my back popping a concerning amount of times "I know but I have to say I don't really have anything to say about the Die Hard collection" he rolls his eyes and stands next to me "that's because you basically think like the guy". I shrug and put my hands behind my head "still he made good decisions" he wraps his arms around my torso and put his face into my chest. I put my arms down hugging him back "what do you wanna do now?" I shrug "wanna judge another movie?" he laughs and shakes his head "lets go outside" I raise an eyebrow "it's like 2 in the morning".

He starts to pull me "yup lets go" I put my shoes on and we walk out enjoying the breeze "see? it's nice out" I roll my eyes "yeah" we walk for a while then stop by a 24 hour shop and get drinks. We both got coke due to the lack of options "I can't believe they only had 3 drinks...and 2 of them sucked" I nod and listen to him rant for a while about everything he could think of "but what should we do about the white mamba issue, I mean do you really think that scrawny pale kid could cause this many issues". I nod "yeah I do" he doesn't answer for a while "he thinks like you" I hum in response "mhm but what makes you think that" he shrugs "he fights like you used to..when you were weaker than most" I take a sip of coke "i'll probably let him fight until he decides to come after me, and it'll keep the union from turning against me".

We make a circle back to my house and take our shoes off at the doorway "ready for bed?" he nods and yawns while walking towards my room, I follow him and watch as he walks into my closet and getting a pair of his shorts that he keeps here. He changes into the shorts and takes off his shirt while I get into some sweatpants "no shirt" I take off my shirt and get into bed with him "night.." we fall asleep like that and sleep through most of the morning.


AN: I know this one is short but I had no motivation for it but I also was late to post because I was at band camp for 4 days and I wasn't able to write, but I do have funny short stories that I will add at the end of each chapter in the AN so here is the first one:

I was jogging down the stairs and tripped over the lip of the 5th to last stair and fell down the rest scrapping up my elbow, but the thing is the trumpet room is right in front of the stairs and my water bottle rolled into it. My crush was in there too so I had to do the walk of shame holding my elbow to pick up my water bottle and walk back out with my crush laughing his ass off at me because we actually are some what friends, more like we talk sometimes and he makes fun of how short I am because he is an ass.  

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