Donald x Grape

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AN: this was also voted on by ilovestudioghibli this one scares me lmao and I just thought I would share the photo up there

AU: College (the wheel has chosen)


I never thought I would get to this point in my life, especially with my background and the union "welcome to *insert college name*" I smile and shake my new teacher's hand "thanks, i'm excited to be here". I sigh as I leave the office and walk to my dorm room "wonder who my roommate is" I take a deep breath before openeing the door and walking around the nice looking room. This place was more like an apartment and I know damn well I felt out of place here "you signed up for a roommate!" I heard people arguing in a room "yes and you're going to deal with it". I act like I didn't hear anything and put earbuds in "are you crazy, inviting a new person in here at a time like this" I act like I just walked in "don't fucking tell me-" I shut the door and act like I just took my earbuds out.

I call out "hello" I look around for anyone "you're the new roommate right" I turn and face this guy "yeah" he nods and smiles "there's only one room left so I gues that will be yours and we have 2 other people here". I nod as he leads me to my new room "i'm Jake, the other guy here is Jimmy and another one who is gone at the moment is Donald, though I wouldn't get on his bad side and judging by your figure I wouldn't even speak to him". I raise an eyebrow "why" he looks behind him after letting me go in the room first "Donald is harsh and it's hard not to crack when he's around, scares the shit out of me and that's saying something since not many things scare me". I set my bag on the bed and we could hear the front door open "sounds like he's here" he motions for me to follow him and I do "hey Jimmy get your ass out here" he hits a door as he walks past it.

I heard the door open as we got into the livingroom "Donald, new roommate" he turns and I met a pair of red eyes "alright how long has he been here and Jimmy why do you look like you're about to rip Jake apart or try to". I look back at this Jimmy guy who looked pissed "I have to take care of something" he leaves and things were left quiet until Jake spoke "tiddy baby, he'll be fine later". Donald sighs and shakes his head "with how much he pouts i'm surprised he could beat anyone up" my phone starts to ring and the caller id reads 'Dad' "shit" I answer and leave the room, getting weird stares from both of them. I take a breath before answering "hello" I get ready to get yelled at "what the fuck took you so long to answer" I make up a quick excuse "I was getting introduced to my roommates and had to leave".

It wasn't a complete lie, just a mini one "alright, rule 1: you have to come home for holidays and cook, 2: you will not avoid my calls or I will find out, 3: cover any injuries that were caused before you got there or I will hunt you down and make it worse". I agreed to all of these and he hung up "I hate him" I walk into the bathroom and make sure everything was still covered before walking back to the kitchen "who was that" Jake looked back from cooking "my dad". I throw my phone on the counter half hoping it would break "asshole has been bothering me all day about coming here" he sets a top on the pot and turns around "damn, mine was pissed and didn't speak to me, oh and watch out for Dean, he kind of just shows up when he pleases". I nod "yeah but why was yours pissed" he shrugs "he never told me, just disowned me" I wished my father would do that, but my luck isn't that good.

He turned back around when the oven beeped and pressed a button before opening the oven "i'll be back" Donald opens the door and another guy walks in shushing us, Donald nods and closes the door. The guy, I was assuming was Dean, walked up behind Jake and jumped scared him. Jake yelped and turned around "god damnit! I told you to stop doing that" Dean smirks and lays his hands on his hips "you were distracted" I then realize they were dating and Jake pushes him back to finish cooking. He nods towads me "new roommate" he turns and leans against the counter "Dean, you?" he was in the process of getting a cigarette out "Sam but I go by Grape". Dean nods and my phone rings again "for fucks sake" I answer "what" I regret it immediately "excuse me" I pinch the bridge of my nose "shit" I walk out of the dorm "sorry I was with my roommates". 

I hope that I didn't piss him off too much "I need you home in about a week and a half" he called knowing I would snap just to tell me to get home for a beating "yes sir" he hangs up right after that. I failed to notice the red eyes watching me before walking into the dorm again "why does he keep calling" I shrug "I don't even know, but it's getting on my nerves" he laughs and leaves the kitchen "help yourself to some food i'll be cuddling with Dean so be careful not to walk into my room". I nod and watch his back as he walks away, I sigh and walk to my new room to unpack "i'm back" I heard Donald call through the dorm but I just keep unpacking still pissed about my dad messing up my entire life. 

-a week and a half later on Friday-

It was the weekend and I was about to leave to go 'visit' home "see you in a couple days Grape" I wave to Jake and shut the door almost running into Donald "shit my bad" I met his gaze "you off already" I nod "yeah my dad wanted me home" I walked past him only for him to stop me "hey, be careful" I send him a confused look and nod "yeah...". When I get home I was immediately met with a fist "damn, fucking shit" he curses at me and kicks me in the stomach "snapping at me over the phone and then coming here and acting like you didn't do anything" he pours the rest of his beer on me and walks off. I get up and walk to my room "I hate it here" I just got home and I already wanted to go back to the dorm with Jake and Donald, even Jimmy is better than this he atleast is warming up to me.


I just got back to the apartment before realizing I didn't cover the bruises "hey Grape you're- what the fuck happened to you" Jake ran up to me "it's nothing big-" Donald comes out of nowhere "it was your fucking dad wasn't it". I look back at him surprised "how did you-" he cuts me off "I overheard your phone call when he told you to show up in a week and a half" I curse myself for being so reckless. I look down at the floor "Jake go back to your boyfriend, Grape come with me" Jake nods and leaves, I follow Donald into the kitchen and he motions for me to sit at the table. I do that and he comes back with a glass of orange juice for both me and him "did he brake anything" I shrug "probably" I lean back and shift trying to move off of the bruise on my shoulder blade. He sighs and gets up walking towards me "stand" I get up and he lifts my shirt up a little checking my ribs "none of them look broken" I flinch when he touches one of them. 

He looks down at me and meets my gaze "almost everyone I know can't meet my gaze but you can hold eye contact with me why is that" I shrug "I don't know, I just can" I was speaking in a whisper. I blush when I realize we were only inches apart and his hand was resting on my hip under my hoodie, I didn't have a shirt on under it so I easily noticed how fucking cold his hand was. He got closer and my hands instinctively came up resting on his chest "it pisses me off that you let your father do this to you" he touches a bruise "it's not that bad, it also prepared me for my nightmare of a highschool". He acts like he thought about it "fair enough" he kisses my forhead and lets go of me to walk down the hallway "you coming" I walk down the hall and follow him into his room meeting Jake's gaze, he gives me a thumbs up and smirks leaving me to get snapped out of my trance with Donald snapping and pulling me into his room.


AN: I didn't feel like writing a kissing scene so you can have this and I hope you liked it, it wasn't the best but it works for this

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