Jimmy x Wolf

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AN: so I know that the Julia x Wolf was supposed to come next but I don't know how to write it so I want someone preferably the person who requested it to give me a story line to work off of and I will add my own twist to it. Besides that I want to thank ilovestudioghibli and lifeisumm for making this request, and we goona write in Wolf's pov because why not so on with the story

~Wolf~ (also if you do see spelling mistakes I forgot to mention this i'm losing my sight and need glasses but haven't done so, can you point them out because the keys on the laptop are really blury)

This isn't working anymore "just leave" I can't talk to him anymore "why?" he so fucking pushy "because I need you to" i'm done hiding "need or want" if he stays any longer I don't know what will happen.....

-2 hours earlier-

"Why is there so much paperwork" I wipe my eyes from staying up for so long "hey baby" I curiously look up at my partner standing across from me leaning against my doorframe "why are you up it's 2:30 in the morning". He walks over and leans on my desk "I could ask you the same thing" (i'm sorry for what i'm about to do because I love all characters in the weak hero series but I need and bad guy in this) I sigh "Sam I have a lot of work, you go to bed and I will finish this up and be there in a minute". He rolls his eyes "you always do this, you always choose work over everyone around you" I put my pen down "Sam it's been weeks since i've worked this late and the only reason i'm up late is because I slept in with you this morning".

He scoffs "oh please you're always working" I rub my temples and let him rant about me being a bad person for an hour and a half. "Sam please" he snaps his gaze over to me "WHAT, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE SO IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW" I groan "stop...my head is killing me" he shakes his head "YOU'RE IMPOSSIBLE". My head just got 10 times worse "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO SELF ABSORBED" I sigh "tell me how I've been self absorbed" he hesitates for a minute "exactly so leave if you're so unhappy with me" he gets tears in his eyes. "So..you're breaking up with me after all this time" so this is how it is "so you're trying to make me angry and then make it seem like I broke up with you when you broke up with me because you don't have the balls to break it off". 


"It's a need, so if you're not going to leave then I will" I storm out of my office and out the building "for fucks sake.." I go to a bar and show the card that donald gave all the number 1's in the schools. I get free drinks from all the bars because of this "what would you like?" I put the card away "the strongest drink you have, and keep them coming" the bartender nods in understanding and slides the drink to me "sorry we have a short in drinks so the strongest thing we have is a fireball" I nod "it's fine" I down 2 drinks before someone plops in the seat next to me "you look bad, friend". I pushed my former liking to him down for Sam, so hearing him next to me after our break up sparks something in me "what? Do you care about me" (future Wolf - ok to be fair that was a half-ass question, looking back on it now i'm not proud of it, probably should've just said what do you want but whatever) he shakes his head "well you obviously can see straight so i'm guessing you know what you said" I shrug.

He sighs "alright tell me what happened with Sam" I laugh sadly "well where to start" we spin the chairs and face each other "how about where I found out i'm the worst person in the world and he didn't have the balls to break it off so he tried to make it seem like it was my idea". I wipe my eyes "I guess this is what I get for trying to finish my work so I could spend the day with him tomorrow or today, whatever" he pats my back "alright come on bud" he drags me out of the bar "drowning in alcohol will only cause regret". I push him away "what do you know about me, you didn't even notice my exsistence, tell me, if you didn't notice that I was upset would you come up to me at the bar". He sits me on the sidewalk "would you be at the bar if you weren't upset?" I think "good point" he puts a hand out "ready to go now?" I nod and grab his hand "where are we going" he smirks "you'll see".

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