Alex x Grape

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AN: this was voted on by ilovestudioghibli  also chapter 67 so 33 more chapters until 100 i'm getting excited and thank you to OneLuvFTW for the help on who tops, I'm probably not going to go through the transition bu ti'll definately use the first one it just sounded better to me

AU:Mafia (kind of you'll get it as you read)


My father runs one of the top mafias in the world, and also has contacts with everyone, so we've been protected our entire lives "you going into an arranged marriage with one of the mafias above us". This is the point my decently good life turned into panic "i'm sorry what" this was announced at the dinner table with both my siblings "the son who is about to take charge is gay and they needed a volunteer in the top to marry him". He said it as if he didn't just sell one of his sons "dad you can't be serious" I was the middle child and the youngest son, I was automatically at a disadvantage. My older brother was trying to negotiate with my father "you can't do this he's only 17" my little sister didn't have a reaction and just stared at her plate "Seth sit your ass down, I don't want to hear it". 

My brother sits anrily and crosses his arms, and I just keep my head down knowing damn well his mind won't be changed "I know I won't change your mind, but just know I hate that you're actually doing this". He gets up and leaves dragging Jess and I with him "i'm so fucking done with this shit" Jess and I were sitting on Seth's bed while he ranted about dad being unfair "Seth it's fine, i'll be fine" I grab his shoulders stopping him from pacing. He shakes his head "no you won't do you even know who you're getting married to" I shake my head "what are you talking about" he runs his hand through his hair "Sam Lee is bestfriends with Wolf Keum at least tell me you know who that is, they live together and I don't want you to be near him". I nod "yeah I know who that is, but look it's fine, i'll visit you as much as possible" he didn't look very satisfied so I kept going "and if their's anything going on I will tell you" he nods "alright fine, I still don't like this".

-a week later-

Today is the day I get married to Sam Lee, who I learned goes by Grape, and to say I am nervous is an understatement "you ready?" my brother was going to walk me down the aisle since I refused to let my father. I nod "yeah" he smiles sadly "I thought I would be getting married before you" I shrug "guess i'm just better" he laughs and pushes my head. I was in a white suit and was trying not to get it dirty "stop infecting my amazingness" he face palms "you're the dumbest person I know". Someone opened the door scaring both of us "get ready to walk down the aisle" I nod and we get ready to walk starting at the back with everyone facing us, I lean close to Seth and whisper "I think this is probably the biggest mistake of my life" he nods "yeah but there is nothing we can do". 

We get to the end and I smile at my little sister who was the flower girl, Seth lets go of my arm and I stand in front of Sam- or Grape, I really need to get used to calling him Grape. The entire ceremony made me nervous and I even stuttered on the 2 words I needed to say, but I got through it and now it's time for the after party "Gogo" I turn around, smiling from ear to ear "Big Ben, didn't think you could make it". He puts his arms around my shoulders "wouldn't miss it for the world but so you know who you're marrying" I nod "do you know that it's an arranged marriage" he makes an O with his mouth "I did not know that" I push his arm off "you are hopeless". 

He makes an offended noise "I am not" I raise an eyebrow "uh-huh" I roll my eyes and he pouts "you are offended very easily" Seth walk past us saying that sarcatically "don't even start Seth i'm still mad at you". Seth took his chicken and he still didn't forgive him "it's been months" I watch the two argue about whether or not he is rightfully angry "hey you're Alex Go right" I nod and face Wolf, who appearantly was the one that asked, I could feel my adrenaline rush coming "do you need anything" i'm surprised I didn't stutter. He nods "yeah, I just wanted to say that his father is an ass, watch your mouth around him" I nod and get hit by Ben who was pushed my Seth "come on guys it's a wedding don't fight here" I grab them both by their ears while saying this, they both replied with the same thing at the same time "ok ok let go".

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