Gray x Wolf

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AN: this was requested by ayakarose645 thank you for requesting

AU: Mafia


My mafia has always been targeted because of my figure, they don't think we're strong enough "hey Gray!" Ben was the only one that got respect "hey Ben. Where's Alex?" they seemed to always be together. He shrugs "probably in his room" he sits in the chair across from me and watches me work "is he alright" Ben sighs and I put my pencil down ready to listen "ok I know he didn't want me to tell anyone but I feel like I can trust you". He fiddles with his hands "well we've been dating for a little and I feel like I just fucked everything up" he face-plants on my desk "how do you think you fucked everything up". He had his head rested on his arms "well some girl was walking by me and kissed me before I could process it" I could already tell something happened "and he saw it?" he nods "yeah, and I of course pushed her away immediately".

He sighs "he wouldn't even hear me out" I lean back in my chair "well then you have to make him listen" he shrugs "he won't listen to me, he even blocked me" he pulls his phone out and shows me. I could see that he did in fact block him "I don't think he'll forgive me" he looked about ready to die "all you can do is try to tell him, and maybe you'll get the point across" he nods "ok i'm going to try again" he gets up and leaves my office. I shake my head and answer my phone that had gone off like 10 times when I was trying to talk to Ben "what?!" I know my tone was off but I really didn't care at the moment "hey Gray~.." I sighed since I don't have time for this asshole "what do you need".

Jake was fun and liked to flirt, but when he was trying to get a message across he never really could "I have to make this quick so you're in luck" I hum "Donald wants you to meet with him in 2 hours i'll send the address" he hung up surprisingly. I didn't think it would be only a couple minutes, I thought he would procrastinate for about 30 minutes "fuuuuck" I really didn't want to leave today but looks like I have to. I go to get Ben hoping I didn't walk into them kissing, which I did but I made them both come with me anyway "why do we have to go again" Ben was complaining still "because i'm not going to this meeting alone". I pull up to the address and we all get out of the car "oh fuck" looks like Donald needed all the mafias around 4 hours away or so "what the hell is happening" I shrug "who knows, other than Jake he doesn't count" Donald lets Jake do whatever he wanted basically, a lot of people think they're dating and I just roll with it. 

I know something happened that fucked shit up, and when we all got inside we all knew what happened "uh oh" I snap at Ben and he nods, turns out someone fucked up a ton of his guys. The only problem was that Jake was included in the few that got fucked up really bad "alright nobody is leaving until we know who fucked up my guys" after he said that it was like the building got put on lock down. Ben leans down and whispers to me "it wasn't us right" I shake my head and whisper back "his group is to strong, pulling a stunt like this is uncalculated and stupid" he nods and goes back to standing straight up. Donald looks around at us "all the leaders here now" me and a couple others walk up to him "alright, this it?" I nod after counting "ok look," he sits in his chair and speaks quietly "I know this is going to spread like wild fire but Jake and I are engaged, and seeing him like that makes me more than pissed".

I could tell who it was during this speech "anyone have something they wanna confess to" the person who looked the most nervous was Jimmy Bae, the leader of the mafia next door to me "the hard way it is". The next 10 minutes went by in a flash and by the end of it we were in cells "how much you wanna bet he's going to interrogate us" I shake my head "you guys don't get it" everyone was watching me now "someone hurt the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, he's going to use torture". Ben nods "most definitely" there were a total of 11 people in the cell which included Wolf and two of his guys, Ben, Alex and I, Forest, Grape and another of his guys, and Jimmy with Jack and another guy. It was honestly extremely crowded "Gray, you'll go first" they open the cell and Ben wishes me luck before I leave, while I throw a nod back and got lead down the hall.

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