Jake x Grape

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AN: we're on 61! this one was requested by ilovestudioghibli along with the next one my dad also made me work this morning so it may be a little confusing because i'm running on an hour of sleep so why not confuse everyone with me :)

AU: Demon/Angel 


Since the beginning of time speaking to angels was prohibited by my father Lucifer, he hated his siblings for letting him get banished and speaking to their kids was not allowed in any way possible. I was always facinated with seeing one and the only people who knew that were Wolf and Alex "what do you think they look like" he shrugs "I don't know, but you need to be more quiet about it" Wolf was leaning against the rail of a bridge and I was sitting on the bridge with my feet dangling. I nod "yeah I know" Alex jumps up from under the bridge "ah!" I kick him and he holds his face laughing "you scared the shit out of me" he hops up onto the rbidge with us "when do you think we'll be able to go up to the surface" I shrug. 

Wolf smirks "let's go ask" I smile and we run past the doors to people's hells going to talk to my father "dad!" I walk past a cracked door "dad!" he flies down from our house "Sam." I smile "can we go to the surface I wanna see what the humans live like". He puts his arm around my shoulders and starts walking, my friends stay back "you're 16 now so I don't see why not, but you need to remember" he points to me and I recite the words i've heard since I was born "the mortal world is not like ours angels roam the surface, if I happen to see an angel return to the underworld". He smiles and holds me at arms length "be careful" he looked hesitant to let me go but eventually waved me off "i'll see you later" he nods and watches me run to my friends "remember the mortal will only see you if you want them to!" I nod and unfold my wings flying with Wolf and Alex to the gate.

We don't stop to think and just fly through the gate wishing not to be seen by mortals quite yet, we land ona very tall building "wow..it's so cool" I lean halfway over the railing "look at the view". Wolf and Alex were speechless "come on let's go" I stand on the railing and try to pull them up with me, Wolf hops up onto the railing and Alex soon follows "ready...jump!" we all open our wings and jump. When we were facing up I watched as angels decended from heaven "what the hell" Wolf grabs mine and Alex's hands "Sam! Alex! we need to go" I snap oout of it and flip flying as fast as I could away from the angels.

I hadn't realized that I lost track of Alex and Wolf until I was alone at a park, I fold my wings and walk through the park "shit!" I jump back when a dog runs at me. I take a deep breath when it was stopped by a chain, I leave the park as soom as possible and fly over the city looking for Wolf and Alex "Wolf! Alex!". I tried to spot the black wings belonging to Alex but decided it would be better to look for Wolf's purple ones, usually wing color matches your hair but for me it's different, my hair is dark purple but my wings were blood red, a curse that gives away the fact that i'm my father's son. I realized the curse in school when people would pull feathers off my wings saying that I probably thought I was too good for that school, which was hardly the case, I asked my father to put me in a public school so I could grow up normally.

I thought I saw the purple wings behind a wall and ran over "Wolf!" I ran right into an angel "who're you" I had fallen back when I ran into him, he looked at my wings and realization hit him. I stand and back away from him before flying off "hey wait!" I had to find them quick "Wolf! Alex!" I land on the side walk about an hour later with no luck "Grape!" I smile "Wolf!" he runs up and almost tackles me in a hug "you really need to stop flying as fast as possible without warning us to keep up"I nod "yeah, my bad" Alex runs up behind Wolf "that motherfucker can run". Me and Wolf laugh as he bends over catching his breath "lets go somewhere high"we fly around looking for the tallest building "oo that one" we land and we all sit criss crossed in a circle "I had a run in with an angel" the smile "yeah us too" I laugh "it was probably the same one".

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