3rd Donald x Gray

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AN: this was voted on by Shoaff so thank you. I also forgot I had to write another one of these lmao

AU: College (why not)


I know that your college days are supposed to be better than your high school days, but nothing can beat my high school days, I made friends that can never be replaced and memories I will never lose. I expect my college life to be fun just not better than high school; the only down side to college is no one here really knows who I am and what i'm capable of, so they automatically put a target on my back. I kind of feel bad for them at this point "hey!" someone behind me whisper yells at me again, I roll my eyes for the tenth time in the past 5 minutes "what?" I turn around surprising him "are you a guy or a girl" I scoff and flip him off before turning back around. I continue taking notes from my book until the end of class, which came very agonizingly slowly.

When it did roll around, I left immediately and didn't look back "Gray!" I jump "Alex jumping out at people like that is going to get you punched" he laughs and scratches the back of his neck "oops, anyway how was your first week". I shrug "people are annoying, you?" we started walking back to the dorm room as we spoke about our weeks "I don't wanna hear excuses, I wanna know why you went behind my back to my friends and asked them why I dropped you". He puts a finger to his lips and we try to get past them quietly "you won't tell me Donald" we both freeze and look at the powerful figure of Donald Na glaring at this girl "you know good and fucking well why, you cheating asshole now fuck off away from everyone in my group before I kick your ass". 

I push Alex behind a corner before we were seen "their right outside our dorm room" I nod "I know I guess we just wait until they move, because i'm not getting in that catastrophe" Alex laughs and nods "that would be a nightmare". I shush him and we hear footsteps "shit" we act like we were watching something on his phone "his friend acted like his girlfriend and scared the shit out of him" I crack a smirk at the video "like Ben" he blushes "you shut up" I could hear the footsteps leaving and he pouts "asshole" I pull him to the dorm before Donald comes back "that was close". He lays on his bed still pouting "you'll be ok" he turns over and glares "you just outed me to Donald Na and told him my crush" I shrug "oh well" he continues to glare and I sit on my bed "what time is it" he sits up and checks his phone 4:30 I nod and lay back on the bed "what do we do now" I shrug and roll over "it's so weird being in college".

We both talk about who we miss back home "Ben went out of state as well for his college" his phone started ringing "speaking of Ben" he answers the skype call through his laptop "hey" I could hear Ben's smile as he spoke "hey Gogo!" I smile at them. Both were too scared to admit their feelings to each other so I took it upon myself to help the soon to be couple with their confession. When we go to visit at the same time, Alex will be waiting with me for Ben and when he shows up he will tell him everything "remember we have a quiz" Alex nods and puts his thumb up "oo is Gray there this time". Alex smiles and turns his laptop a bit so Ben could see me, I wave to him as he yells a greeting "hey Ben" while Ben was yelling to his roommate I motioned to Alex for him to tell Ben about us seeing Donald here.

Alex shook his head "absolutely not" I get a call when Ben asked what we were talking about "one second, I need to answer this" I walk out the dorm and onto the balcony in the hall "hello" I could tell I was furrowing my eyebrows when I answered. The most annoying voice i've ever heard yells on the other line "hey! out of cooryosity...do you have a gurlfind" this girl was comletely drunk "who is this" I hear screeching on the other end and pull the phone away from my ear "i'm Donald's ex Terresa (I'm sorry to all Terresas out there)" I hang up immediately. I am not going face to face with Donald because his ex called me, but I wasn't surprised when she called again "listen, I wanna get back at Donald and you are in his contacts". 

That however did surprise me "why are you calling me of all people in his contacts" there was arguing on the other end "shut up i'm on the phone" I pull the phone away again "because you are the one we got when we did eeny meeny miny moe so..". I rub my temple "i'm not going to get my ass kicked because of some grudge" even i'll admit, at this point I don't want to fight Donald for any reason "please you don't even know him" I scoff "yeah I do, he controlled almost everyone in Yoengdeugpo, you fight him and see what happens, and even i'm not shitty enough to fuck around with someone just for revenge". I was about to hang up again when she started talking "well you passed the test" I hesitate "what" I drop my phone and turn to punch the person behind me; my fist was caught before I was even close to landing the hit.

I retracked my fist immediately "fuck these stupid instincts" I  curse at myself for almost punching Donald "get whoever the hell that was and tell them to leave me the fuck alone" he points behind him "I don't need to". There was a random girl smirking "it was a test please don't kill me" I raise an eyebrow "test?" Donald nods "there was someone I knew who told people about my childhood and i'm trying to find the leak, but it obviously wasn't you". I nod "I don't know about your childhood, what I know is that you ran the Yeongdeungpo Union and still do" he nods "mhm". That girl started walking away "bye love birds" I could feel a light blush rising up my neck "huh?" he pinches the bridge of his nose "stop with that before I kick your ass" I walks backwards with her hands up "my baaaaaad".

~3rd Person~ (been a while)

Both the guys had a small blush and knew they were attracted to the other, but neither acknowleged it. Donald shhok his head and turned back to Gray "sorry about her she can be a bit special at times" Gray shrugs "it's alright, not like it hasn't happened before, except the other person actually liked me and set it up through their friend" Donald shakes his head "it's crazy what some people will do to get with someone". Gray laughs and nods "yeah it's like they want you to know but not say anything about it, but get mad when you actually don say anything" Donald nods "yeah like make up your mind" they both laugh and look up at the stars. Both were too afraid of rejection from the other and just settled with being friends and enjoy eajch other's company, neither saying anything to the other about liking them content with just being in the others presence.


AN:....I procrastinated...badly took me literally 4 hours to get my shit together and write this lmao. I got it done though hope you enjoyed reading and Happy Valentine's day especially to all those other single people out there having to watch the couples make out and be all lovey dovey..it was a nightmare I swear lol.

Weak Hero One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें