6th Donald x Wolf

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AN: This was requested by pearlkeum and i'm sorry about the Jake thing I needed a bad guy ok T-T still love Jake so much btw

AU: Normal I guess (I am running out of ideas)


To say I was stressed was probably an understatement, I was beyond stressed and have been through many sleepless nights in a row now "Wolf go home, you're tired" I wave of Sam's concern and get back to work. I had piles of paperwork to do and a deadline that was coming up "i'm fine Sa- fuck Grape" I was still getting used to calling him that after saying Sam for so long "Wolf you can call me Sam, you're stressed enough, the bags under your eyes could carry anything, and you are starting to get a rash on your thumb". I lay my head on my hand "i'll go to bed after I finish this document ok?" he nods and walks away, though I knew what I said wouldn't matter since i'll just wake up in the middle of the night and start working again. 

I rub my forehead when I finish the document and passed out on the desk, and as I expected I woke up and started working since I had nothing else to do "I'm on the hiiigh waa-" the ringtone on my phone knocked me out of my trance and I answered "hello?". I knew I sounded like shit, but who cares "hey Wolf, I figured you were up" I sigh "what do you want messenger boy" Jake was the person that made the phone calls that Donald didn't have time for. They were usually about an upcoming meeting "meeting tomorrow 10 am, don't be late it's important" I drop my pen "alright i'll be there" I rub my eyes and sigh after hanging up "great".

In the morning I head over to the meeting early so that I can stop for something to eat before getting there, and let me say that was the most boring meeting i've ever been to "alright that's it for today, Wolf stay after". I nod still tired though I was listening "yeah?" I stood respectfully, to tired to be snarky today, or put to me effort into being polite, so I was in the middle grounds with it "you look like shit" I nod "yeah i've heard". He nods "I talked to Grape or Sam as you call him, and he said that paperwork is the biggest problem with keeping you up" I shake my head "honestly it's not a problem he just worries too much" he gave me a look and I shut up "look even I can tell you are struggling right now, so I lessened the work load and Jake agreed to take some". 

I nod knowing I was to damn tired to argue about it, and I would get an ass kicking if I did "alright dismissed" I walk out the door and get met by my boyfriend of about 9 months "hey Wolfie" I roll my eyes "Jake, why are you waiting outside" he shrugs just waiting. He walks with me to my motorcycle "well i'll see you soon?" I nod "unless you have to stay another night" he shakes his head "Donald told me to make sure you take it easy, so he let me off the night shift for a couple of weeks". He smirks "I figured that would happen when Grape went up to him" I nod and put my helmet on "see you later then" he nods and pulls the helmet up just enough to kiss me before I was off. 

It didn't take me long to have to turn around since I left my earbuds on the staircase when I went to throw something away "son of a bitch" I finally pull into the parking lot and jog up the stairs looking for the spot I put my shit during meetings. I pick up the earbuds and Donald passes by "back already?" I nod and hold up my earbuds "i'm on the-" I silence my phone "ACDC?" I nod "yeah" he shakes his head and continues down the steps. I roll my eyes and after looking to see who called I was heading down the stairs "what about-" someone was asking something but it was in a breathy voice. I walked past without listening but when I turned back after reaching my motorcycle, I saw Jake and Dean kissing behind a red car "um.." Jake saw me and pulled away quickly "Wolf wait!" I shake my head a quickly drive off.

I was pissed and didn't want to talk to anyone, but of course we had even more meetings after a document went missing from Jake's papers "alright, Jake any idea where it is" Donald was stressed as well. It was showing from how his hair was a little flatter than usual "I don't know, I wasn't in charge of it" I scoff "did you check up Dean's ass, or is it in yours" I mumbled this, but it was heard by Jimmy next to me and Jake since he was across from me. I assumed Donald just didn't mind it since he didn't say anything "alright I know there's tension in the union right now, but try to keep it out of the meetings" he looked right at me when he said this, but I just nodded and agreed. 

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