3rd Jack x Alex

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AN: I just wanted to:)...ANYWAY. MOVING ON. we're on chapter 60 so 40 more until 100 it has been a long a tedious journey and it will pay off hopefully

AU: Roommates (i dont know what i was even thinking)


I was supposed to be moving into a new house as a 'roommate' but really I was put in foster care because my dad was an abusive alcoholic, i'm close to turning 17 and nobody wants to adopt a teen so they just send me to random homes. My other homes were just about as bad or worse than living with my father so I don't really have much hope for this one "ok Alex" I nod "there are 3 residents at this house, around your age, so hopefully they won't be like the others, but you know what to do if it is right" I nod. This guy is a pervert and usually sends me to abusive homes so that I would be put back into his custody, this house however wasn't chosen by him so the little bit of hope subconciously settles in the back of my mind. 

When we arrive to the house he had his hand on my lower back making me seriously uncomfortable "stop touching me" I keep my head down and glare at the floor, I flinch when he pinches my side "don't talk to me like that". He lets go to ring the doorbell and I take the advantage of moving behind him so he can't, he shot me a dirty look but when the door opened he smiled "hi and you are.." he stick his hand out, another hand that belonged to a guy with light orange hair shook his hand "Jimmy Bae". I meet the eyes of Jinny but immediately look back down "come on in, we were expecting you guys for a while" I flinch again when Chris put his hand on my shoulder "go on in Alex" I was walking in and when Jimmy turned to yell I was there Chris pulled me back and bent down to whisper in my ear "stop flinching little bitch".

I continue to keep my head down "you room is upstairs and the first door on the left" I nod and Chris walks into the living room, I put my stuff down and was about to walk into the living room as well but stopped listening to Chris speak "you guys ned to be care ful around him alright". I roll my eyes and hear a voice I wasn't able to hear earlier "why" he sounded unconvinced "i've known Alex for a long time and he has been kicked out of a lot of foster homes for outbursts, fighting, drug abuse, and harming the residents". I realize he is just trying to get me back into his custody but the fighting and outburts are reasons I was treated unfairly in the other homes, or at least that's what I was told. 

I grit my teeth realizing he is the reason I was abused, he made them scared of me, afraid that I would hurt them. I come out from around the corner with my arms crossed and glaring into the back of Chris's head, I scoff "so that's what happened with my other homes" he turns around matching my glare "didn't know you eavesdropped" I match his sarcasm "didn't know you made the others scared of me before they could know me". The other guys stand behind him awkwardly "fine, I guess i'll just be feared and abused here too because i'll be damned if I go back with you". I stomp up the stairs and slam the door closed "fucking- ugh!" I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands, I heard the front door close before there are voices outside my room "he doesn't seem harmful, I don't know what that guy was talking about".

I roll my eyes "well he did seem harmful when he was talking to that guy, but I think that might be because he lied, I would be pissed if someone lied trying to kep me out of foster homes" I hear a smack and then a quiet "ouch..". I listen harder trying to hear "I think maybe the fighting and obviously outbursts were true" I don't know how the hell that Jimmy guy guessed but he did "how do you know that the fighting is true". I look around the plain room waiting for him to answer "his knuckles are bruised and have scabs, and the scar across his nose" I forgot about the scar, it wasn't caused by a fight though.


"Get back here you little shit" I slam the door to my room shut and put a chair under the knob, dad starts banging on the door "let me in!" the neighbors have already complained about noise from him and this does not help. We are on the third floor of the apartment building and if I don't get out of here somehow he might kill me "I swear I will kick this door down" I stand on the window sill and prepare to jump to the tree. 

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