Teddy x Gray

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AN: this is chapter 73 so 27 more until 100 also this was voted on by diesatan thanks for voting and the art above is not mine i'm also shrinking Teddy for this because why not

AU: Normal 


It all started when I saw him walking to throw away stuff from his classroom cleaning, I couldn't take my eyes off him and I can't understand why "what is up with you" I heard this throughout the entire time I was bullying Gray. I felt bad even when I was doing it, but it was only because I couldn't understand what he was doing to me "nothing" I still don't understand, but now I don't have anywhere to take that frustration out since he kicked my ass and made a fool of me. I deserved it so i'm not mad at him "you sure" Rowan was trying to pry answers out of me since i've been in a bad mood for the past few days. I nod and act like I was reading a book to avoid any questions "Teddy" I look up at Phillip "what" I put the book away and cross my arms "don't try to be intimidating you weak little fuck" I glare "what do you want". 

Rowan glared as well "i'm not in the mood for the waiting game Phillip" he smirks at me "I know your secret about Gray" I raise an eyebrow "that all" He walks off and while I was mentally freaking out I acted like I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about "what did he mean" I shrug "who knows, fucker is crazy". He takes the excuse and I pull the book back out anf get lost in thought about how he could know what was going on with Gray when even I didn't know what was going on. I jump when someone's hand lands on my shoulder "jesus fuck" I take deep breaths and glare at Alex "you scared the shit out of me" he laughs "sorry man, I called your name but you didn't answer".

I nod and put the book down "what's up" he fully sits on my desk and stares down at me "you're in a bad mood" I raise an eyebrow and shrug "yeah he's been grumpy all day" Rowan leans on his hand "you snitch". Alex would not leave me alone trying to find out what was wrong, I lean back and close my eyes "i'm so tired" Alex grabs my arm "too bad lets go" he pulls me out of the room followed by Rowan just as the bell rings. He dragged me all the way to the pool hall "Ben I got him" he sits me in a chair and walks over to his boyfriend, Ben put his arm around Alex's waist and turns to me "ok I needed you here to settle something". I shrug "yeah he's been in a bad mood" I flip both alex and Rowan off then give my attention back to Ben "who's form is better Gerard or Gray" they both lean forward getting ready to hit the ball "Gray's, his feet are more planted and he has a better angle".

Ben nods and pulls out a notepad writing it down "ok,ok" I laugh a little at his seriousness over this "looks like Gray wins" Alex curses and pays Ben twenty bucks "I really thought it would be Gerard". I shake my head "I swear to god you two" Ben puts his hands up and cheers "yes! thank you Gray for your perfectionism" Gray smiles a little and nods "sure" being around Gray still makes me nervous. I shift around a lot before pulling out my phone trying to find anything to pull me out of my thoughts "hey Teddy" I heard my name after a couple minutes and hum "hmm" Rowan grabs my phone and holds it above my head "get uppp" I jump up "hey!" I try to jump and grab my phone but he handed it to Gerard "god damnit why the hell did you give it to a skyscraper". 

I jump up but when I landed I fell backwards and right into Gray, who fell back with me "uh oh" I hit my head on the table and land on something warm "ah..fuck" I sit up and get off the warm surface, which happened to be Gray, I hold my head and open my eyes "shit sorry" he shrugs "it's fine, how the hell did you even hit your head" I shrug "I don't even know". Gerard, Rowan, and Ben were laughing while Alex looked like he just had the revelation of the century "Teddy can I talk to you" I nod and he grabs my hand to help me up. We walked out into the hallway and he smirked at me "you like Gray don't you" it took a minute to process that "do I" I must've looked confused "ok I get it, you do and haven't realized it yet" my brows furrow and I lean against the wall "I guess I do".

At first I thought it was just admiration about how he could kick people's asses who were ten times his size, but it turned into something else without me realizing it "time for me to play matchmaker" he turns and walks back into the room before I could process it "shit wait Alex!". I try to stop him before he went into the room but I panicked and backed away "shit shit shit" I pulled down my pony tail and ran my hands through my hair, which was soft from my shower, I panicked and ran halfway down the stairs. I could tell my breathing was getting out of control "Teddy!" I jump and look up meeting a pair of worried violet eyes "are you ok" I nod and he holds out my phone. I go to grab it but he pulls it away and grabs my wrist, my heart drops and he pulls me towards him "Gray?" I felt like he was going to hit me again but at the same time I felt like he wasn't.

My back hit the wall before I could process the look on his face and his loosened grip on my wrist "what are you doing" he was inches away from my face "you seem off" he had my hands pinned next to my head by the wrist and had a firm grip. It wasn't enough to hurt but enough to keep my hands there "what's bothering you" I know I put on a tough guy act and right now he is breaking through that "n-". He cut me off "don't tell me it's nothing and don't lie, I know your lie face" I break the eye contact by turning my head to the side, he lets go of one wrist and makes me face him by grabbing my chin. I grab his wrist and look away from his eyes "i'm guessing what Alex told me has something to do with this" my eyes widen and I meet his gaze "what" I felt like I was about to throw up "he told me you have a thing for me". 

I mentally curse at Alex and Gray's grip loosens on me, I slouch and his hand on the back of my head leads my head to his shoulder "calm down first" it's like he could probably feel my anxiety radiating off of me. I was glad he could read people so easily and smelled really good "ok" I lean back onto the wall and take a couple breaths before opening my eyes "why did you want me to-" he kissed me roughly and took a handful of my hair, he tugs slightly to make my head lean back. His other hand travels up my hoodie, which I wore without a shirt, and stopped in the middle of my back "mm" he pulls me closer and had a knee between my legs "mnm" I was humming into the kiss the higher his leg went. 

I had my left hand in his hair and my right was resting on his chest "hn" I was taking breaths between kissing and his knee rubbed against me, I gasped shortly and he smirked into the kiss "w-wai". He stopped "we're in the middle of a hallway" he looks around "right forgot about that" he grabs my hand and pulls me along with him "my house is close" I nod and let him drag me to his house even though I was nervous about what would happen. We do eventually get there and it took him a minute to unlock the door, when he did he pulled me inside and immediately I was pushed up against the wall. I turn my head to the side when he starts sucking and biting my neck "you surprisingly know what you're doing" he nods "yeah I guess i'm just going with the mood" he kisses me once more before letting me go "wanna stay over" I nod and smile "sure".


AN: alright we got another one down though it was hard to write and I had to modify personalities and height for it but I think it was pretty good if I do say so myself

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