Eugene x Jake

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AN: I need y'all to help me get to 100 chapters, i'm at 55 right now I will have a special chapter as the 100th. anyway this was requested by diesatan and gave me permission to go crazy with it here we go

AU: Assassin


I was told my target but I was never told what he did to deserve being killed, i've been watching him for a while and he seems like a normal teenager. He likes stats but only for his school nothing more nothing less "hey Jake did you get your target yet" I pull the walki talki to my mouth "it would be better on my conscience if you told me what he did". He didn't answer me  for a minute and I thought he ignored me again "it doesn't matter just take him out" I sigh "I can't do that unless I know he deserves it, and looks like he's about to get away". I watch the guy walk out of his room "he knows to much info on my son and I need him gone to continue my work".

I roll my eyes "alright, but I have another problem" I pull out my phone "my bank account is still looking like zeros" this guy is supposed to pay me before I do the job that was the deal "just shoot the kid and you get paid". I watch the guy leave his building "there he goes" my account now has 100,000 "thank you for your time" I hang up and walk off the ledge of the building, I shoot the hook up and use the rope to help myself down. The guy had stopped and looked back at me now "I had a feeling you were hiding in there this time" I shake my head and chuckle "I knew you could see me" I walk down the sidewalk with him "you've been tailing me for a while now" I shrug "I got paid to kill you".

He nods "are you going to" I shrug "haven't decided" we cross the street "are you going somewhere specific" he shakes his head "no, I just saw you watching me". I pull my gun out and shoot it into the air "I decided not to" that guy was listening making sure I shot so there "why did you decide not to" I shrug "you're cute, also my name is Jake Ji" I put my hand out and he shakes my hand "Eugene Gale". 

-a month later-

Yeah that guy found out that I didn't kill Eugene and now i'm running from people he sent "that motherfucker" he sent a huge group of people that are angry at me and I ran out of ammo so i'm fucked. I flip them off behind me and jump to the other rooftop "that little shit jumped" I laugh and run to jump across the next roof. I jump another 3 roofs before losing my footing and graciously falling on my face, I busted my nose and lip "by far the smartest thing i'e done.." I hear them catching up and slide down the fire escape before they peak around the mini brick wall, I run down the alley before I get trapped. A voice calls after me "Jake!" I groan and turn to face Eugene "hey um yeah I gotta like run right now and unless-" I see the guys run out of the alley "oh shit, I guess you're with me" I grab his wrist and drag him with me.

He keeps up for the most part "can you jump rooftops" I see a alleyway coming up "I've never done it" I sigh and turn down it "I guess we can only hope" I climb up the fire escape making sure he was keeping up with me. We run across the roof "ok i'll jump first then you, and if you don't make it all the way i'll grab your hand" he nods and I get a running start before jumping "ok ready!" he nods and gets a running start as well. He jump and makes it to this side landing right next to me "ok come on through here" I open the door to get off the roof and lock it so they can't open it. It rattles a couple times but quits as soon as it started, I keep quiet until there are no oices outside "I think they're gone" I throw my hands up "survived another one!" I slide down the door and he follows suit, I sigh "well another day down". 

He starts giggling randomly "god, I've never had so much fun" I laugh and nudge him "you missed a lot of the fun" he holds his heart "oh no..such a travesty" I shake my head "I didn't know you could be sarcastic". He shrugs and leans his head on the door "I broke my glasses..." everything was quiet for a minute "pfft!" I put my hand over my mouth "god damnit!" I got thrown into a coughing fit and grip my shirt trying to get the itch out of my throat. He was laughing and patting me on the back "don't die" I flip him off with my other hand and wait til the itch goes away. 

It finally goes away and I rub my throat "you..alright" the fact that he managed to say that with the amount of time he was laughing amazes me "yeah, no thanks to you" he had finally calmed down and was trying to catch his breath. We both were just staring at each other, not saying anything, and slowly getting closer "um..Jake" I could feel his breath on my cheek "yeah" his blush grows "why are you..getting closer" I peck him on the lips "that's why" I stand and hold my hand out to him. He grabs my hand and I walk down the stair with him, and still had a hold of his hand.


AN: yeah so here is this also I decided not to do the vampire thing I just have a wheel or whatever au y'all choose or whichever one I choose. Also i'm gonna do a mini Q&A with like 10 or less questions because I know not many people are gonna give questions so just comment your questions and I will try to answer then in a couple chapters. 

Crush update: i've been left on opened for 3 days T-T

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