2nd Wolf x Grape

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I have stayed hidden for 2 weeks nobody has seen me, i'm hiding because i'm afraid i'm gonna die. People are hunting me because of my father they want something against him and are trying to use me, it's unfair because I don't even speak to him I guess that's why he was ok with them coming after me. I don't have much time until someone finds me so i'm gonna have to move soon but I don't know where, right now i'm at a abandoned apartment building in one of the highest floors room.

I think the floor number is 22 but I didn't get a good look at it, I don't have much food left so i'm gonna have to run by a store when I move "2 days left..." that's all the time I have left to stay here. I have grown attached to this room it was the cleanest and one of the only ones that still had a couch for me to sleep, but it's fixing to be December so it's really cold and all I have is a small blanket and my hoodie. I have shorts like a dumbass and now I have to suffer they go to my knees so they're not that short but it still sucks I also don't have a shirt on under my hoodie so this is it, the window is broken and it's snowing so I am frozen while sitting in the corner of the room with my hoodie pulled over my legs and the blanket over me.

I hear voices below me and put my ear to the ground "are you sure he's in this building it's freezing" I hear a crash "shit! yeah he is and did anyone go upstairs to check" I hear shuffling "yeah it was only Wolf he prefers to be alone". I get up stuff my blanket in my bag and run out the room grabbing my shoes and running bare foot not stopping to put them on, I stay light on my feet so they don't hear me and stop on the stairwell hearing more voices I run up a bit and they go to the floor I was on. I let out a breath I was holding and run down the stairs until i'm out the building and in an alleyway, I look around breathing hard and look at my feet buried in the snow "what are you doing back here" I look down the alleyway and see a guy with light purple hair. 

I look around and spot a ladder and start climbing as fast as I can with him following me, I run across the rooftop and jump to the next thinking he wouldn't but he did I jump a couple more but don't land right on the last one feeling a pop in my ankle. I fall to the ground and hit my head on one of the loose rocks "son of a bitch why does that hurt so bad" I hear someone land behind me "your fast" I turn around careful of my ankle "why are you people after me" he walks closer without answering and crouches in front of me. He touches my forehead and I pull back noticing the blood dripping down my face "how'd you do this" I shrug and he looks at my ankle "damn you landed pretty hard" I suck up all the courage I have and push all the pain down.

Pushing him I run to the edge and slide down the latter I know he's close behind me but I keep going though right before I turn the corner someone comes out from behind it "shit" I come to a stop and step back a lot not getting a very good feeling about this guy the other one at least didn't look this creepy. The other guy was kind of hot, my back hits someone and I look up to see the other guy glaring at the guy that came from around the corner who finally speaks "Wolf what are you doing" I like that name it suits him "how'd you get out" the guy shrugs and Wolf pushes me behind him "leave now your not supposed to be around here i'm gonna give you a chance but next time I won't be so generous". 

I watch the interaction confused and no thought of running away comes to mind "gee Wolf never knew you to be this nice did you get soft" Wolf clenches his hands "I suggest you go before I change my mind and stop starring and the kid behind me". The guy laughs "why is he your target also where else am I supposed to look you and your 3 second rule doesn't allow me to look at you and he looks kinda cute" I step back at the comment not liking this guy at all "that's it" it was over as quickly as it started Wolf lunged at him beating the crap out of him and I ran to the back of the alley looking for an escape. I can't go back up the latter thanks to my foot and the alley is blocked off so I had nowhere to go so I sat leaned against the wall beside the latter waiting for the inevitable, but I only got a voice "your names Sam right well I know you couldn't do anything with that foot of yours so your still here right".

He couldn't see me at the angle he was looking from and he was right all he had to do was walk forward a little and see me since I couldn't go anywhere "why'd you hide" I shake my head "I wasn't hiding" he walks over to me and looks at my foot "I think you broke it" I shrug and look down the alley at the guy that laid unconscious on the ground. He was out cold "yeah I never liked him he was an asshole and a pervert" I nod not really hearing him and flinch when something touches my head "calm down I just need to wipe the blood off your face" he was now shirtless and thank god it was cold or else my blush would've shown more "aren't you cold".

He shrugs "it's never really bothered me" I nod and he pulls me up "i'm gonna have to take you with me though" I have already given up anyway "not like I can run" he nods and picks me up "hey! what are you doing". He starts to walk "your ankle will only get worse and i'm already pissed that you got hurt it would be a nuisance if you get hurt anymore" I wrap my arms around his neck to stable myself and end up falling asleep in his arms.

-hours later-

I wake up and i'm tied to a chair "huh..." I look around and see a couple different people but Wolf is in the back on his phone "oh good your awake" Wolf gets off his phone and walk toward me "I really didn't want to do this". He walks over to another person and pulls the bag off their head revealing my dad "as you know this is your dad" I shrug "so?" my father looks at me with pleading eyes but I have no remorse for this asshole "so you do not care about him" I shake my head "he's never cared about me so I think it's even". My father looks even more upset but can't say anything with the tape over his mouth "interesting did you lie to us" he turns back to my father who shakes his head, he looks back at me "well then since you don't want him we'll take him" my eyes widen "what?" someone unties me and takes me to a room with a heavy door and throws me on the ground before locking it.

I hear a gunshot and cover my ears trying to block out the sound of the following shots, I stay sitting against the wall for a while but look up when my door is being unlocked followed by Wolf walking in "well that was quite the show wasn't it, but tell me why we had to track you down to get you to answer a few questions". I think this guy is dumb "so your asking me why I ran away from a group of guys that raided my house and tried to take me with them I think you should know the answer to that" he glares "don't talk to me like that your going to be staying here so I wouldn't push it". I shrug "you want me to be happy you took me away from my home" Wolf smirks a bit and closes my door turning off the camera in the corner "you do know when you think things sometimes you say them out loud right" I did not know this "no why". He walks closer "when you ran into that guy in the alley you said what you thought out loud it wasn't very loud but I could hear it".

I thought that Wolf was hot and now he knows, I blush and look away from him "th-that-..." he makes me looks at him "yes?" I think about what I want to say carefully "I didn't mean to say that..." I didn't think very hard "but you meant it". He closes the gap between us for a quick kiss "and I think your cute so we're even" he kisses me again but this time it was a longer kiss and I kissed back, he pulls away again "I decided to keep you here for 3 reasons 1 I heard what you said 2 I thought you were cute and 3 I already knew how your dad treated you and I also knew where you were the entire time you were hiding so I know all your little kinks and how miserable you were". I look at him confused "kinks?" he smirks "let me show you" he sucks on a part of my neck directly hitting my sweet spot making my breath hitch "see? you also talk in your sleep so I know lots".

----16+---- I know your gonna read even if it's here but just know it is

He trails his hand down my stomach and into my shorts, he slowly starts to stroke making me bite my lip and tilt my head back closing my eyes "look at me.." I blush and look him in the eyes while he moves his hand faster. I grip his shirt and he kisses me "mm.." I let out a little noise and he growls moving his hand faster, my breathing pick up a bit and I cum "nggh" I get my breathing under control after he pulls away "that was quick mostly because I knew what your kinks were". I blush even more and he smirks "lets go" he helps me up and leads me to his room handing me clothes "they're probably a little big but it'll work we can get you clothes later" he walks out the room and throughout the time I was staying with wolf I liked him more and more. Now i'm standing in front of him, he was in a black suit and mine was white "I now pronounce you husband and husband you may kiss the groom" he kisses me and people clap and cheer for us.


AN: so yeah............done.....it had a happy ending at least

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