5th Jack x Alex

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AN: This was requested by me myself and I...again. This one just has Yoosun and Eunjang going on a trip together I guess.

AU: School Trip (kind of)


I know that the school thought this would be a great character builder, but putting two schools that get into fights against one another was a bad idea "Gogo hey morning" we were heading to the busses. Thankfully on this trip nothing happened that was too big, and we really just stayed at a campsite doing character builders with each other "no, i'm ready to go home" I had to see the person I have been avoiding for a week, and i'm not happy. He pats my shoulder "don't worry our seats got changed" I sigh "thank god" I was sat right across from Jack for the entire 20 hours drive.

I saw his smirk "what are you planning" he shrugs and gets onto the bus, which had our names on sticky notes on the seat "hey Gogo, i'm next to you again" I knew the teachers knew that we were inseparable, what I didn't know was that Ben convinced then to place Jack right in front of me. I didn't know why, or what he had planned, but I knew that I wasn't going to like it "Ben what are you planning" he shrugs "I don't know" both me and Jack were in the inside seats, so while we were waiting for everyone to get boarded, I was staring at the back of Jack's head. Ben just kept smirking and his smile grew wider when Jack started to desperately look for something "Jimmy do you know where I put my earbuds" I looked at Ben furious "you didn't" I said this quietly "not me". 

I watched as Jimmy and Ben fist bumped around the seat "you little mother fucker" he laughs "you're so vulgar" I flip him off "and aggressive" I roll my eyes and realize my earbuds are gone too "Ben.." he shrugs. I glare at him while we start to pull away from the camp "where are they" he shrugs again "I don't know what you're talking about" I cross my arms "Ben this is a 20 hour bus ride and if in the next 2 hours my earbuds are not magically in my ears I swear I will make your life worse than it already is". 

He puts his hand over his heart "you think so little of me" I nod "yes, yes I do, and i'm not in the mood for your shit, it's early and I have to sit on a bus with you for 20 hours" he rolls his eyes "you're so dramatic" I roll my eyes back "lets see who's the dramatic one in about 2 hours". After about 10 hours go by I had gotten my earbuds back, but it was now late at night and I was starting to feel the effects of not being able to sleep at home "you tired" I shrug and lean my head against the window. He sighs and shakes his head "you do know nobody sits behind us meaning you can recline as much as you want" I do just that and fall asleep quickly, after stopping the music and fully putting my earbuds away of course.


Both me and Jimmy knew that Alex and Jack liked each other, so before we went on this trip we planned out what we would do "is he asleep?" I nod and he motions towards Jack who was also asleep. We both smirk and Jimmy gets up to tell the teacher what was going on, which was thankfully the teacher that was in on it and allowed us to move them around while the bus was moving "thanks Mr. Anderson" he nods and goes back to his phone. I had Jimmy pick Jack up while I adjusted the chair and had Jimmy set Jack on it "alright now all we have to do is wait for them to wake up and see the others reaction to finally learn that they like each other" Jimmy nods and we sit in the seats behind them to watch the show.


When I had cracked my eyes open I was met with the face of Jack Kang, who was peacefully sleeping beside me "what the fuck.." I whispered this to myself as I was suddenly very awake, I was also extremely flushed in noticing how close we were. Me being me though I took advantage of the situation and moved closed to him, which resulted in him wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to his chest. My blush just got worse while I scooted as close to him as possible, placing my hands on his chest, and leaning my forehead on his as well "hey look" I heard the familiar voice of Ben whispering "took them long enough just wait til morning when they wake up" I heard Jimmy's voice before drifting off again.

I woke up to giggling and the snapping of someone's camera, Jack also seemed to be waking up as well "oh shit run" everyone had left the bus while Jack had noticed that I was yawning and in his arms. He just barely blushed and let go "did they just lock us on the bus" I sit up and nod "yeah they did, Ben has a suspicion that you like me" I lean back again and yawn "same with Jimmy, but-". He stopped "what?" I sit up a little "was Jimmy's suspicion true" I shrug "depends on if Ben's was" he should've gotten the hint, but it took him a minute "hm" we were the only ones on the bus, so the next thing he did didn't embarrass me as much as it should've.

My arms were pinned to the seat and he had connected our lips softly, I hesitated at first but kissed back as well, he soon broke the kiss and got up "they're waiting for us to leave the bus" I nod and get up to unload my stuff. I could see the smug look on both Ben and Jimmy's faces, and just flipped them off while I got my stuff off the bus "you heading to mine" Ben put his arm around my shoulder "I wonder where else I would go" I said this was as much sarcasm as possible. He points to Jack "his" I push him "and now I might just sleep outside and away from you" he laughs and my eyes trail over to Jack, who met my gaze and sent a small smirk towards me while Ben was babbling about minuscule things.


AN: this one was a short one since i'm just trying to get new chapters out that I haven't written before, I don't think i've written this yet.

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