Jimmy x Stephen

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AN: this was voted on by @ilovestudioghibli and at this point I think you guys choose the 2 hardest people to put together, like how the hell am I supposed to do this. I feel like with their personalities they would hate each other. But I do also want to give ilovestudioghibli a huge thanks for commenting on a lot of my chapters and kind of sticking with me through my story.

(football AU)


I am the new rookie quaterback and I am being stared down by one of the other players, I was told he's been here for 3 years and is already one of the best players around. I try not to look back at him and make eyecontact but he just keeps staring at me as I try not to mees up any of the plays "alright guys our first game is the day after tomorrow but we need to leave tomorrow morning to be there in time". I try to listen to what the coach is saying but I feel a pair of eyes on me "Stephen and Jimmy" I look up at my name "you two will be sitting next to each other, the next pair is.." he keeps going and I wait til after he's done talking to ask which player is Jimmy. 

I asked Alex who Jimmy was and he points to the guys that has been staring at me the entire time "seriously?" I groan and sit in the grass next to him "what happened?" I tell him about it and he laughs...a lot. I wait til he's done laughing "what about you, who are you next to" he points to a blonde guy "Teddy, he's cool I guess" we hear his name get called out "GOGO!" I quirk my brow "Gogo?" he shakes his head and stands up only to be slammed into a hug by a  guy about 6 inches taller than him. I see people staring and laugh at Alex's face "Ben, what did I tell you about after practice" the tall guy pouts "I got bored" I stand and he faces me "who's this he looks cool" Alex sighs and introduces me but before anything else I hear my name "Stephen." I look in the stands behind me.

I find Gray at the bottom and he waves at me, I run over to him "hey Gray, when did you get here" I lean over the fence and hug him surprising him but he laughs nonetheless "I got here last night, and got to your practice in time to notice the pink haired guy staring you down". I rub the back of my neck "yeah, how long has it been" he hops the fence "about 2 years, don't change the subject" I groan and he grabs my shoulders "he's your type, staring you down, your seat buddy, and you need a relationship". We walk back to Alex and Ben "hey this is Gray, he's been my bestfriend since we were kids" we talk until everyone has to leave "so Gray tommorrow we have to leave for a 3 hour trip and I just wanted to know when you're leaving". 

I am hoping he leaves after we get back so I have some time to hangout with him "well I am actually working on moving here" I jump up and down with excitement "really?!" he nods and we walk all the way back to my apartment. I invite him in and we talk for a while about where he's living "I don't know where i'll get an apartment at but I will be getting one probably close to yours" I knew he would get an apartment, he doesn't need much space and doesn't like to waste money even though he has a decent amount.

He sleeps on the couch and I obviously sleep in my room, until my alarm for 5am goes off "fuuuuck" I turn it off and get ready to go on the trip "you look like crap" Gray sits up "sorry did I wake you up" he shakes his head "no your alarm did but good luck on the game and with the guy that likes to stare at you". I blush "yeah..thanks" I leave my apartment and walk to the meeting place for everyone "alright is everyone here" we all nod and the coach lets us on the bus. It turned out that Jimmy chose where we sat but I had Alex sit in front of me next to Teddy, I was scooting as close to the window as possible and put my earbuds in.

~later that night~ 

We won the game, celebrated, and are now getting back on the bus back home "hey Staphen what time is it" Alex turn around almost completely "11, why?" he blushes and shows me his phone:

BigBen: hey when are you going to be back
Me: idk probably late
BigBen: I want to spend time with youuuuuu
Me: ik i'll spend time with you when I get home
BigBen: babyyyyyyy
Me: you're like a child
BigBen: I am not
Me: see you soon
BigBen: love you 
Me: love you too

I laugh "I think he's physically attached to you" he laughs a bit and turns back around while I put my earbuds in again playing a softer paylist.


I thought the guy next to me was cute and was glad he had his earbuds in so I could ask Jack about it "you think I have a chance" I whisper to him so his friend in front of us doesn't hear "probably, but you may have some competition with the scrawney kid from earlier" I lean back in my seat and close my eyes. I feel a weight on my shoulder and look over to find Stephen asleep on me "I think you have a chance" Jack takes a picture and I lean my head on his before falling asleep. 

I wake up when someone is shaking my shoulder "Jimmy!" I sit up "yeah?" it was Jack "the bus broke down we are going to a hotel, we are sharing a room with our seatmate so if you want to make your move do it there" I look at Stephen who was still sleeping on my shoulder. Jack leaves and I wake him up "Stephen....Stephen wake up" I shake him about  3 times before he wakes up "what?....shit sorry" he gets off my shoulder blushing badly. I put a hand on his shoulder "we are going to a hotel the bus broke down" he nods and follows me out and to the hotel room.


I was really nervous about sharing a room with Jimmy because i'm not gonna lie he was hot and I was pretty sure he didn't like me. Besides the point we make it to the room and the first thing I notice is there is only 1 bed, and my phone goes off scaring the shit out of me "who is calling you at 1:30 in the morning" I shrug and answer the unknown number "hello?". I hear a bunch of comotion before a loud voice breaks through "is this Stephen?" they sounded drunk "yes?" they shout this time "YOU'RE REALLY CUTE, I GOT YOUR NUMBER THE OTHER NIGHT AT THE BAR" I pull the phone away from my ear.

Jimmy is listening intently now "um, who gave you my number" they seem to get louder each time they answer a question "SOMEONE THAT HAD YOUR PICTURE, HE HAD DARK BROWN HAIR, WAS LANKY, AND SAID HE WAS AN OLD FRIEND OF YOURS". I hate when he does this "don't call this number again" I hang up and lay down as quickly as possible, I feel the bed shift but ignore it. A hand is laid on my shoulder "wanna talk about it" I roll over and find a concerned pair of eyes looking at me "I had a friend that tried to sell me to this group of guys, and tried to get me to go home with someone every chance he got and he still seems to do this even though i'm not his friend anymore". He doesn't say anything and lays downto sleep, i'm glad he didn't though, it would've been an awkward conversation but I go to bed nonetheless.

~in the morning~

I woke up with my head resting on Jimmy's chest...he was also shirtless, I stare at him while he sleeps mostly because he looks so peaceful while sleeping usually he has a scowl on. He suddenly flips us "how long were you staring at me?" I tried to speak but I didn't know what to say. But then I remember practice "it was only fair since you were staring at me the entire time at our last practice" I stare at him, challeging him to say anything, which he doesn't, he just stares. We hear them yelling down the halls "alright the bus is ready" we get up, pack, and get on the bus without saying a word to each other. When we get back Alex leaves in a rush, Jimmy and I are the only ones left, and I try not to look at him while he's changing. I was doing decent at that until arms snake around my waist and he turns me around "i'll see you at 8 tonight" I nod and he leaves.


AN: so this was supposed to be a small break but I was gone for a long time but besides the point. I might have a chance with my crush and here is my evidence this is our texts today\

Him: U wanna see my girl
Him: She hot af

Me: Sure?

he didn't send anything until this 

Him: *sends a pic of him making a kissy face at the screen*

Me: *flips him off*

Him: U still love me though *insert blowing a kiss emoji*

Me: This is not even close to fair you asshole

he is mean to me

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