2nd Jimmy x Wolf

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AN: I am really excited about this one because I was given the idea by an amazing writer that you need to check out like right now then come back here is the mention: OneLuvFTW go read it immediately

AU: Normal:)


I've already pissed myself off today by agreeing to meet with Jimmy, so this will be a fun fucking day "what do you want to talk about" he told me to meet him in this weird ass alley "I have a game I want to play, something Jack came up with to play with Alex from Eunjang". I light up a cigarette and roll my eyes "what game is that, and isn't Jack your toy" he shakes his head "no he's a friend, and it's name is pretty self-explanatory" I scoff "I didn't know you knew that word". He ignores that I said that and continues "it's called who's the best flirt" I don't like that game but i'm not backing down to Jimmy "when does it start" he walks towards me and takes my cigarette out of my mouth. He takes a hit and opens my mouth to blow smoke at me before putting it back in my hand "right now" he winked and walked away "damn him" I took a hit and walked out of the alley as well.

The next time we ran into each other it was my turn to get back at him, we had just gotten out of a meeting and we were in the parking lot. I had seen him leaning against the wall smoking so I figured I could match him "hm" I had my hands on either side of his head and took his cigarette with my teeth. I took a hit and leaned in about 1 inch away from his face and blow the smoke into his mouth to which he flips us making me inhale the smoke again, I get thrown into a coughing fit "you should've *cough, cough* waited" I couldn't stop coughing "not a good flirting attempt" I wave my hand in front of my face while he laughs "oops". I took this as a chance to push even further and I rested my hands on his chest leaning in "i'll see you later" I run my hand across his abdomen and walk away. I heard him choke on his spit and smirk "don't die" I look back and he flips me off making me crack a smile that he looked very accomplished about.

I blush badly when I see Donald saw the whole thing and I avoid keeping eye contact, when I do look at him he smirks and when I walk past him he whispers "nice but make sure it's not going to get in the way". I nod and walk to my motorcycle "that was a dirty trick" I yelp and almost fall off my bike "you're one to talk, and where the hell did you come from the underworld" he rolls his eyes "you're so dramatic". I glare "uh-huh, yet another bad flirting attempt, are you getting nervous Jimmy" he leans on the handle and smirks "you look worse than me Wolfie" he leaned in closer with every word and had his voice extremely deep. I pushed down the blush as much as possible and grabbed him by the front of his shirt pulling him down, I make sure my lips are just barely touching his neck whispering in a raspy voice "be careful about when you do this I may not let you get away so easy next time". I let go of him satisfied with the mess I made and put my helmet on, I watch him as I start up the bike and he shakes his head at me before I drive out of the parkinf lot.

I only realized his cigarette burnt the shit out of my shoulder when I got home "god damnit" I throw my shirt into the basket of my room and walk into the bathroom, while inspecting my shoulder I notice that it got through all 7 layers of skin "son of a bitch". I light a cigarette and walk out onto the balcony of my apartment, my phone goes off and I check it seeing it was a text from Doanld:

DonaldNa: check @randomname on instagram 

Me: alright

I pull up instagram and realize it was an account that exposes people "oh shit" I rest my elbows on the railing and click the first picture with the caption "the effect of flirting with Jimmy?" there were three attachments, the first one was when I was caged to the wall, the second was when I had Jimmy by the shirt on my motorcycle, and the third was a close up of my shoulder on my balcony. I turn off my phone and look right at where the picture was taken "WHAT THE FUCK" I storm inside after putting my cigarette out and slam the bathroom door shut "I fucking hate this" I throw the rest of my clothes off and get into the shower "I guess i'll visit Yoosun tomorrow and show Jimmy his fucking post". I wince forgetting about my shoulder in my rage "i'll kill whoever posted this" I finish up my shower and come out of the bathroom in only sweatpants, I open my phone and realize I was tagged in something 'last one I promise, i'll move onto someone else' it was the video of me cursing on the balcony and storming inside, I roll my eyes and lay in bed falling alseep with a lot of issues.

Weak Hero One-ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang