Gerard x Rowan

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AN: thank you @ilovestudioghibli for the request


I know i'm new to this group and everything but I can already tell which person i'm gonna hang out with more than all the others, it was gonna be Gerard or at least i'm gonna try to hang out with him the most. The only reason for this is because I like him, I have for a long time and I don't know what to do about it "hey earth to Rowan" Teddy waves in my face and I snap out of it "sorry I zoned out there" he crosses his arms "that's the 3rd time, it there something bothering you". I shake my head "no just a little distracted" Teddy knows about my crush so of course he knows what's distracting me, and decides to mess with me about it "awwwe is someone in loooove".

I roll my eyes and lean against the wall "it honestly kills me how obvious you are and how oblivious Gerard is" I groan and he laughs "if you would let me help you get with him I would" I shake my head "no I know it's a dumb crush and won't go anywhere". He pats my shoulder "you don't know that" (casually procrastinating everything even though we have a week off school) I shrug "doesn't matter, i'm just gonna wait for the crush to go away" I jump when Alex comes out of nowhere "who do you have a crush on?". Teddy doesn't hesitate to tell him "he has a crush on Gerard and is to chicken to do anything" I punch him in the arm "hey!" Alex sits on the other side of me "you should say something, may as well get it out there".

I shake my head "no he's just gonna reject me" he scoffs "fine if you don't I will, you have a week before I do" he then gets up and leaves while Teddy covers his mouth trying not to laugh at me "it was easy for him, Ben was obvious and they knew each other like forever and now he's gonna fuck things up for meee" I groan. Teddy gets up "alright you better figure something out see ya" he waves and leaves me there while I wrack my brain trying to figure out what to do.

-2 days later-

I decided to wait a week and let Alex tell Gerard, I really don't want to tell him and i'd rather it be someone else that tells him 'maybe he will think Alex is lying' I only have 5 days left until he tells him. Alex has repeatedly left me in a room with Gerard and I have scolded him several times for it though he continues to do it, Teddy whispers to me "so what did you decide to do about Alex telling Gerard" I write it down on a paper 'i'm waiting a week to let him tell so I don't have to' he shakes his head and goes back to working. 

After school Alex texts me:

Alex:  come to the park

me: ok, on my way

I get to the park and he walks over "have you told him yet" I shake my head "no i'm just waiting until you do" he shakes his head "if you want I can tell him now" he motions to Gerard leaning against a bench on the phone with someone. I blush and nod slightly, he walks toward Gerard and waits for him to get off the phone "shiiit" I go to the playground and hide in a tube bridge until he tells him. I look out the small window that's built into the side and watch them look around while Alex smiles like an idiot, Alex see's me and I pull away from the window just in case he didn't. 

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs behind me and refuse to look behind me, soon hands grab me by the waist and warn breath is on the back of my neck "Rowan? is what Alex said true" I nod without looking at him. He gets closer to me and I lean my head back onto his shoulder "why did you come" I turn my head to look at him "because I wanted to" he leans forward and kisses me on the forehead. He shuffles a little "can you come out of the tube bridge now, it's cramped in here" I nod and chuckle a little "alright" we get out of it and Alex is down on the ground "so you 2 actually managed to get out without falling on your asses" I flip him off and he leaves "bye shitheads".


AN: I know this one is really short but it was extremely hard to write it and I will be coming up with some better ideas, if you have any specific requests tell me and I promise no judgement and anyone who does judge you is a moron and are just to scared to say the ship they want. Thank you for reading

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