Grape x Jack

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AN: this was voted on by ilovestudioghibli 

AU: Soulmates


The problem with having a soulmate in my world is they have the opposite colored wings than you, mine are black at the top and fade to red "you're the son of Satan" I would've been fine with it if my town wasn't a bible town. I don't mind people believing in god, but calling me the son of Satan is a little extreme "at least mine aren't puke green" he tackled me and kept a grip on my shirt while we rolled, I landed punch after punch before he finally got my arms pinned. It was the last day of school so I guess I gave zero fucks, I was leaving tomorrow anyway and let my mouth run this show "you have the worst wings I have ever seen, and I hope your soulmate hates them". Yeah he is sensitive about that subject and I definitely payed for that, he nailed me in the temple throwing me off for a minute at least until he slammed my head into the concrete "fucking asshole" only then people decided to break it up. 

I was dragged into the office but couldn't really answer the questions well "look today is you guys' last day on campus, do you think you can stick out the rest of the day without fighting" I nod "mhm". He gives me a slip for the nurses office and sends us out, I throw the note away and head to class without stopping there "hey Grape are you alright, you look out of it" I lay my head on the table "i'm fine". I don't like people who beg for pity, it drives me crazy and I make sure people know that I want them to leave me the fuck alone "alright then" my head was pounding from the whole head hitting the concrete thing. It was like that for the rest of the day and before I knew it I was outside my dorm room "fucking hell" when I opened the door and met the eyes of the same fucker I was fighting yesterday.

I never really introduced him, his name is Wolf Keum and we used to be inseparable "not you.." he started to hate me in middle school because of his friend group "look, Grape.." he always just calls me Sam "I know I treated you like shit, but we're going to be roommates and I guess I do feel a little bad about the past couple of years and can we just start over". He sounded sincere and actually looked a little guilty "I guess we can, and I should probably apologize about my comment about your wings" he nods and spins in his chair to go back to whatever the hell he was doing. Leaving me to unpack without speaking, so I just put in my earbuds until he taps my shoulder "hmm" I take an earbud out "i'll be back" I nod and he leaves me by myself again, at least until his door opened again and I just assumed it was him. 

I couldn't have been more wrong "oh fuck you're his roommate" an old friend on Wolf's had pulled my earbud out "what is it with you and following him" I roll my eyes and take my earbud back "what is it with you and fucking with my life". I noticed 2 people I didn't know behind him "who're they" the guy with black hair styled in an undercut had wings that caught my attention "Jimmy" he pointed to the one with lighter hair "and Jack" he pointed to the one with an undercut. I nod "right and why are you here" I cross my arms and lean against the wall "why do you think" I then remember he had a crush on Wolf "oh right your crush, regarding that you know he's only after his soulmate" he nods "I know, but there have been people who never found their soulmate, and maybe he'll give up". I shake my head and walk past him to grab my phone that I threw when I got pissed at it "right you believe that all you want but he is stubborn" he scoffs "better than being with the son of Satan.." he mumbled this and I seemed to be the only one who heard it. 

I slam the phone on my nightstand "oh shut it i'm so tired of hearing that shit from you" I had finally snapped, I was out of high school and this shit was supposed to be over with "tired of what the truth". I ball my hands up "it's not even the truth, it's some lie Wolf made up in middle school" he laughs "do you even know why he stopped being your friend in middle school" the door opened "what the hell is going on" Jeremy got a weird look and only got a panicked expression from Wolf "don't you dare". I frown "what?" Jeremy grabbed a paper from Wolf's nightstand and threw it at me "Jeremy what the fuck!" I could only stare at the paper in disbelief "why didn't you show me" it was a news article about a baby that rose from the crusts of the earth. It was a baby picture of me next to my 2nd year middle school photo "I was told to never tell you, everyone was" I push past him and see the confused looks of Jimmy and Jack right before I left, not before hearing Wolf yell at Jeremy "you fucking idiot, do you know what this means". 

I ran into a guy with blonde hair "woah!" I nudge him to get by "sorry" he caught my wrist "hey what happened to you" he pointed to the black eye I had "fight, I gotta go" Wolf had caught up "Grape, we were told not to tell you because it would-" I cut him off "I. don't. care." when I finished that I saw a flash of red and Wolf got shaved back then tripped. The blond guy let go of me and only them I noticed his wings were the opposite of Wolf's, that was before I stormed off to the roof. A couple minutes later Jimmy and Jack has showed up to the roof "we figured you came here, Wolf busted his head open and a guy named Donald was looking at his head when we showed up" I shrug "it's his soulmate" Jack nods "we know and Donald knows, Wolf was too distracted to notice". 

I raise an eyebrow "about what" they sat next to me "you" Jimmy smiled "he talked about you a lot when we met him" I scoff "please, we fought like every day" he nods "you were the only one who went against him". I shrugged again "looks like you two fought recently" I nod "yesterday, I made a really mean comment about his wings" I still regretted that "speaking of that looks like you were distracted as well" I shake my head. I point at Jack "I noticed when you walked through the door" I had my knees pulled to my chest and my chin was resting on one of my knees, so when Jimmy left he just patted my shoulder "i'm going to check on Wolf" I nod and he walks through the roof door. Jack didn't say anything at first "what are you going to do about the Wolf situation" I shrug "I know he was told not to tell me but he didn't have to torture me for years" Jack nods "if it makes you feel better while that was happening he was telling me and Jimmy about how bad he felt, but he felt like he was trapped".

I sigh and stand "lets go then" I know he bullied me but he at least feels bad and that's enough for me to forgive him, he stands as well "alright" we walk down the stairs and back to my dorm "hey-" I stop when I see Donald and Wolf in a heated make out session. I close the door "can I go to your dorm" he nods "yep".


AN: I don't really know what to say, but I guess I can just say that I don't know when the next chapter will be out

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