Jimmy x Alex

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AN: we're on chapter 62 and this was requested by ilovestudioghibli who disappeared for a while but came back 

AU: Normal (last chapter was crazy so here's a toned down one)


The past 3 fights with Yoosun I wasn't there for and what makes me angry is Ben teases me about it "are you that angry" I nod "not about missing the fights" he pouts "is it because i'm making fun of you, is Gogo mad at me". I flip him off and lay my head down "it's the middle of class and you're going to try to sleep to ignore me" I nod and he blows on the back of my neck "Ben I will skip out of going to the pool hall if you do that again" he gasps "noooo, fine I won't do it" he lays his head on the desk and I go to sleep.

He wakes me up by shaking me "hey come on we were given permission to go off campus for lunch" I stand up and he drags me through the school while I was still half asleep "Ben wait!" I trip over my own feet as he drags me. We get outside and I cover my eyes while the sun decides to blind me "where the hell are we going" he drags me through the underpass and past the pool hall "are you just not going to tell me" he doesn't say anything and keeps running until I see Yoosun coming up. I dig my heels into the ground "what are we doing around here" he stops running "what?" he looks around "oh yeah! I forgot we have to pass Yoosun" he drags me but stops at the front of the school "I could always call your crush out here" I push him "we're leaving". 

He grabs my hands and we get into a pushing war "hey!" I jump and look behind me only to fall back when I let my gaurd down "pfft!" Ben was trying his hardest not to laugh at me but failed "shut the fuck up you started it". He was holding his stomach and I flipped him off "what are you two doing here" I curse at Ben quietly and lay back on the concrete tired of today "ask him he dragged me here" I look upside down at Jimmy and he crossed his arms leaning against a pole "I was taking you to a new food place I found". I roll my eyes "are you just going to stay on the ground" I nod and roll onto my side "fine i'm leaving your ass here" I didn't quite comprehend what he said until he was gone "wait are you really-" I sigh "fuck him".

It slowly starts raining "are you kidding me?!" I hear chuckling and sit up "you shut the fuck up" Jimmy was laughing at me and it annoyed the fuck out of me "you're going to get soaked" I flip him off and stand up. Lightning shot across the sky and I covered my ears, only Ben knew I hated storms and now Jimmy was going to find out "hey are you-" he gets cut off by another strike of lightning and I could feel my nails starting to dig into the back of my ears. I jump when he grabs my shoulder and he grabs my wrists pulling my hands away from my ears "are you scared of storms" I shrug and pull my wrists out of his grip, I turn around and cross my arms "it's-" a huge strike of lightning lights up the sky. I cover my ears again and take a couple steps back, my shoulder blades press against his chest and he turns me around before taking my hands off my ears "if you keep doing that you're going to make a hole in your ear". 

He covers my ears for me using the palms of his hands "it's fine" I go to swat his hands away but he doesn't let me so I settle for grabbing his forearms trying to push them away "stop" I jump when thunder rumbles the ground and subconciously step forward. I look at the ground "you're really jumpy in this kind of weather" I shrug again and close my eyes, I was tired before Ben even dragged me out here because last night it was storming too. He tilts my head up to face him and stares "what?" he rubs under my eye "i'm guessing you don't sleep well" I knew I had dark circles but nobody really commented on them. 

I raise an eyebrow at him "you are the onle person ever to notice I had dark circles" I get suspicious of him and he scoffs shaking his head "so?" I hadn't realized before but we were standing right up against each other "why are you this close". He shrugs "why? do you want me to get closer" I blush and stumble a little before more lightning strikes "here, i'll take your mind off of it" he kisses me deeply and pulls away as quickly as he kissed me "wanna skip school with me" I nod and we walk away from the building.


AN: so my friend is reading this which is a little nerve wracking but that's ok anyway moving on I don't know what the next chapter will be so we will both be surprised

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