Seongmok x Dongha

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AN: IF YOU SKIPPED OVER THE LAST CHAPTER PLEASE READ IT  This was requested by pink-r7ose thank you for requesting

AU: Normal


Despite what some may think, I do care about people and want them to stay around "Seongmok!" though the only person that can see that is Dongha who can read me like a book which gets frustrating sometimes. We had been sent here by Donald to try and get Ben to join the union, tough part is the he is stubborn and does not want to see us "shit!" I dodge another punch from him and get ready to finish him off. I go in for the punch but some kid with a scar on his nose showed up and blocked the punch from landing "Ben!" this kid reminded me of Dongha the first time I met him. I was losing a fight to some older kid and he jumped in front of me to take the finishing blow "Seongmok?" I snap out of it when Dongha puts a hand on my shoulder, he sighs "this is going nowhere" seems like he remembered it as well "how about we call it a day". Me and him walk away and I look back seeing the kid bend down and his lips meet Ben's.

I point "what- oh yeah I forgot they were together" I pull out my phone and write in the notes 'if we need Ben in the union that bad go after the kid' he nods "I can ask Donald" I nod and put my phone away. He smiles with a mischievous grin which always means he has something on his mind that he is about to tell be about that I might have a 'good' reaction to, as he says "do you remember that huge guy you tried to fight our freshman year" I nod knowing exactly where this was going. His mischievous grin was disappearing "he kicked your ass and tried to kill you" I nod "that kid back there jumping in front of Ben and taking your strongest hit even after being in a fight with me remind you of the end of that fight". I nod and was getting curious about where he was going to take this "I don't really know if you appreciated what I did or why you kept me around when I made you look like a wuss, but I know that I don't regret it".

He looks like he got lost in thought about it so I snapped my fingers in front of his face making him shake his head to snap himself out of it "damn I got a little lost there, anyway don't both of them remind you of us" I nod. Dongha never cared how big the opponent was, he still went off and fought them despite his better judgment about it:


I scowled at the huge 3rd year in front of me "little freshmen need to know when to stop, you don't" I shrug making him even angrier "why don't you say anything, too scared" I shrug seemingly making it worse somehow. I wasn't going to win this fight and I knew that but even after I lost he kept going and going, I was about to breathe my last breath when this kid with long hair jumped out in front of me taking the hits "beating us isn't going to make you look stronger, you just beat a couple freshmen who don't know how to fight what does that make you look like". In saying that he got him to storm off with a growl "what kind of human growls.." he shakes his head and bends down next to me "Dongha Baek you" I shrug and pull out my phone 'Seongmok Do' he nods "nice to meet 'cha". He seemed to just brighten everything around him up without trying, I looked at his arms noticing his sleeves that were rolled up showing the forming bruises on his forearms. He followed where I was looking "oh! that's nothing you look worse" he always glowed like that when it was me and him, made it seem like he only glowed for me "wanna eat lunch together?" I nod at him and we walk to the lunchroom.

-end of flashback-

After that we trained together for a long time to be known as we are today but now he doesn't glow as bright as he did back then, though to be fair being friends with me with dull any shine you've ever had. We were outside now looking down at these people who were loud and annoying "you ever heard of the White Mamba" I shake my head "he's supposed to be this big guy with fighting tactics you've never seen before". I shrug knowing he understood what I was trying to say "yeah I don't really believe it either" both of our phones go off after he says this:

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