Ben x Jack

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AN: if your on my weak hero requests you know that this was one of the choices and I really wanted to write it just to see what my mind came up with


This is bad Jimmy isn't here, hell he isn't even in the country and now i'm fucked because Helmet has decided that I am secretly dating him and that if he gets a big group to target me it will piss Jimmy off. Really me and Jimmy are close friends and I have a crush on Ben while he likes Alex, we are talking after meetings about that and try to figure out what we're doing wrong "so Jimmy's little minion is fucking him" they push me to the ground and hold me there "i'm not!" they punch me in the nose making it gush blood. He grabs me by the hair and makes me look at Helmet who's rounding the corner "you stay after every meeting in private what does that mean" The guy pulls my hair harder "we're just good friends we've been friends since middle school". 

He shakes his head "how am I supposed to believe you" I get kicked in the face "fuck..." I spit up blood "i'm not fucking Jimmy alright get that through your thick skulls I like someone else and I stay after to ask him what i'm doing wrong!" I close my eyes and everything happens in slow motion "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" i'm dropped to the ground and cover my face. Everything speeds up and I raise my head to see them running off "Jack?" I look up and see Ben, Alex, and Jimmy "your back?" he nods and bends down "how much of that did you hear" the others sit next to me "we heard the last thing you yelled". I sigh and wipe the blood again "well now you know" I cough and blood drips down my chin "i'm came back early to surprise you" I nod and wipe the blood off my chin "hey due to this dumbass i'm good with injuries and if you want I could get the bleeding to stop" he motions towards Alex and Jimmy winks at me "that would be helpful usually he's the one fixing my face". 

I roll my eyes "that's because you fight everyone" he helps me up and the other 2 stand as well "not everyone mostly Ben" we laugh and start to head to Ben's who leads the way with Alex. We get there and Jimmy goes to the living room with Alex and leaves me in the kitchen with Ben "you can sit on the counter" I nod and get on the counter waiting for Ben to get some stuff "I can't do much because it's inside you mouth but I can try to stop the bleeding" I nod and open my mouth only for more blood to fall out "shit...". I wipe my mouth and open again "ok hang on this might hurt a lot" he pulls my lip back looking for the cut but pulls on the cut, I ball my hands and he wipes the blood away from it again "it's not horrible but it's pretty bad".

He finally gets the blood to stop and I get off the counter "what do you think Jimmy and Alex are doing" he shrugs "lets go see"  we walk as quietly as possible and peek around the corner to look in the living room, we see them sitting on the couch in a heated make out session but Jimmy opens his eyes and I jump back into Ben "I think he saw me" I whisper to him and look around the corner again. Jimmy flips me off and I jump back again "yeah he did" I only now realize that I was right up against Ben and turn around "my bad" I go to walk past him but he stops me and kisses me quicker than I can realize. I kiss back and grab his shirt "mmm~..." he pulls back "your shirt is covered in blood" I look at my shirt and see blood all over it "oh.." he has an arm around my waist and a hand on the back of my head "am I the one you like?" I nod and he pulls me past the living room towards his room. 

When we get inside and he closes the door he kisses me while walking towards his bed, I was walking backwards and the back of my knees hit the bed. He lowers onto the bed with me and pulls away moving to my neck which is really sensitive since nobody ever messes with it, only Jimmy knew that until now "hnn~" I lean my head back and he sucks and bites the spots he couldn't get to. He moves back to my lips and pulls away "your neck is really sensitive" I blush and stumble over my words " yeah I guess" the door opens and Jimmy yells while pointing at us "that's gay!" Ben and I laugh "your gay" Ben lets go of me while saying this "where's Gogo?" Jimmy looks behind him "still in the living room". We all walk to to living room and see him asleep on the couch "damn what did you do?" I laugh and Jimmy rolls his eyes "nothing bad I think he got overheated...he was blushing a lot" he squats next to the couch and pushes Alex's hair out of his face "you are such a top" he laughs "you are such a bottom".


AN: I don't know how this got here but it did, and I know everyone enjoyed the friendship between Jimmy and Jack but the reason I wrote this is because it made my curiosity spike. It did because when I write stories the only thing I think about is the beginning nothing else and I let my mind run away from me to write and everything in my head goes down it's why I block everything else out at least until I get stuck. The next story is gonna be several parts unless someone votes on my requests book i'll write that first.        

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