2nd Donald x Alex

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AN: This was voted on by Fishworld101 and I know it's out earlier than the Eugene x Grape but I really got stuck on that one.

AU: Normal (with a little twist)


I was nervous to say the least "you'll be fine ok" I was going to meet someone I didn't know, which sounds like a bad idea, but Ben will be there to make sure I don't get kidnapped "what if it's some weird creep". Ben throws a decent shirt at me "then i'll be on the side to make sure nothing happens" it was a weird sensation knowing that tonight I could very well be getting kidnapped if Ben fails to make it in time. Turns out the guy had to cancel for a family emergency and I had to meet him after school the next day "look he knows what time you get out of school so he has to be in one of the schools surrounding us or in our school". I roll my eyes "or a creep that has been stalking me" he nods "if that was true he would've taken you already, and this guy is willing to show his face in broad daylight". 

I take that into account "fine but if it's a creepy old man my death is on you" he laughs "ok I can deal with that, but I already have a boyfriend so it doesn't really matter anyway" I started dating Donald about 2 weeks ago. I never thought it would happen, but it did "yeah still surprised about that" I nod "that's because you have terrible taste in guys" he puts a hand over his heart "I do not". I shake my head "you keep thinking that" we both jump when the bell rings "well time to go then" he nods and follows me to the meeting spot "hey uh Alex Go right" I nod at the guy in front of me "i'm the guy you've been texting with". I nod since I had already figured that out "look I figured I would tel you in person but I do have a boyfriend" he nods "yeah I know I just think that you could do better that Donald Na" this guy was really dumb. I nod "look even if you were right, he is the guy I chose and I wouldn't change that if I had a second chance" he nods "worth a shot" he walks away leaving me by myself on the roof since Ben left after knowing nothing was going to happen.

I jump when I hear my boyfriends voice behind me "even if you had a second chance" I sigh "Ben told you didn't he" I turn and he nods "yeah he did" he stand next to me on the edge "secret crush huh" I nod "yeah". I toss my phone away when it starts to ring "you not going to answer that" I shake my head "already know who it is" he picks it up "buba?" I nod "yeah, my older brother". He hands me the phone "didn't know you had a brother" I nod "no one does, be just calls me when he had an awakening meaning he got of drugs for a week or two and wants to make up". He nods "make up for what" I shrug not exactly wanting to tell him "could be anything at this point" to be fair that was true, I just knew what it was this time "you should talk to him" I shake my head "he'll just leave again like always".

He just nodded "well either way you're very awkward when it comes to people liking you" I narrow my eyes at him "I am not" he nods "right, not like you were nervous all day about who it could be". I sigh "Ben?" he nods "fucking snitch" I whisper to myself but he still hears it "it's rude to call people names" I push him slightly "says you" he shrugs as my phone starts ringing again "you gonna answer this time" I shrug and debate on answering, I already know what he's going to say so I might as well get it over with. He doesn't look like he's going to stop calling until I answer anyway "what" I spoke with hostility since i'm still pissed "hey Alex" first time i've heard his voice in a year and a half "what do you need Kev".

I heard him sigh "look last time we saw each other I said something I knew would hurt you and i'm sorry my head was in the wrong place" I roll my eyes "you mean you were on drugs again and now you're not and wanna see me again". I heard his sigh again this time in frustration "Alex I know you think this is going to be like the other times, but the reason you haven't seen me in so long is because i've been in a treatment center and got all my chips". This is the first time u've heard this "how long have you been clean "ever since I left so about a year and a half" longest ever "how long are you going to be in there" I heard someone tell him to hurry "ok...i'll be out when I decide that i'm not going to use, so when the itch stops". Donald is watching me curiously "alright this is the last time, when you get out come by the house" he sighs in relief this time "ok thank you I will never do that again but I have to go my times up, bye Alex" I nod "bye Kev".

The line goes dead and I get frustrated with myself "if he does it again it isn't going to be the last time is it" I shake my head "no i've said that a million times" for the first time since we started dating I leaned into Donald as we looked over the ledge. His arm went around me with a little hesitation "this time feels different" he nodded "how" he looked down at me as he questioned "I feel like he'll actually pull through this time" I looked up as I answered. I thought he was going to kiss me and I think he did too,but he backed out and looked back out over the ledge 'we'll get there someday' little did I know we were both thinking that.


AN: I know this is a shorter one and I disappeared but I was having some issues figuring out what to write in this one and wanted you to know that after the end of my school year I will disappear for about 2 weeks since I will be in California. Our school year ends in about 3 weeks so if I have writer block for that long there won't be many updates thanks for reading.

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