Wolf x Jack

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AN: this was voted on by ilovestudioghibli thank youuu I really wanted to do this one and to anyone wondering how the votes work just go to my other book and comment something random regarding a ship and I will do it, it doesn't really matter what you comment to be honest

AU: Demon/Angel (this probably won't be as good as the first one, it was sitting on my mind for a while and I had time to plan it this one not so much)

~Wolf~ (you know damn well he would be a demon, Jack not so much)

I scowl at the Angel in front of me "what the hell are you doing here you fucking traitor" this specific Angel left us Demons to die "you're mad at the wrong person" I roll my eyes "oh really then who should I be mad at". This Angel was named Jimmy and had another Angel with him who didn't say a word "your father wouldn't allow me to do anything" I scoff "right the dead guy". He sighs "he's not dead I swear to you" I roll my eyes "I was the one who buried him motherfucker" lookes like he got caught in his own lie "don't even try Jimmy he's got you" at least he is smarter "they'll kill you both if they see you".

That was my way of ending this conversation and my brother knew it "Wolf-" I cut Jimmy off "you know damn well what that means" though it's true I could always stop them and he knows that. He sighs and flies back up to heaven leaving me on the roof of this fucking strip club, I rub my temples and fly back to hell "fucking asshole" I get home and take off this stupid jacket that i'm required to wear. I collapse on the couch and rub my temple again "fuck this" I grab my meds off the coffee table and take 2 pills hoping to make the migrane go away "you look like shit" I flip off my roommate and put my arm over my eyes. He sits on the other end of the couch "Jimmy?" I nod "he's a fucking dick" I roll onto my side letting one arm hang off the couch "what do I do about him, he's making this like 10 times harder than it needs to be". 

Jake smiles sadly at me "it'll be alright, you need sleep though" I nod "I know" Jake is the only person who seemed to actually care about me as a person and not just because I rule over hell "here" he puts on a cartoon on a low volume hoping to make me fall asleep. It didn't work for a while "you're really stressed huh" I nod "yeah it's just great" I roll facing the other side of the couch, I felt him lay his hand on my head before I fell asleep completely.

I woke up to Jake shushing someone "you'll wake him up, he's only been asleep for an hour" I felt the couch shift a little "is it really that hard to get him to sleep" I could feel Jake's body move as he nods "took me like 2 hours to get him asleep last time, it's hard since he's constantly on the move". I push down the smirk I had to keep up the 'i'm asleep' act "so you are?" Jake moves his hand from my head probably to shake this guy's hand "Jake, a childhood friend and roommate to Wolf" i'm surprised he didn't say he was my boyfriend. I felt his hand lay back on my head and he started lightly scratching like hes done since we were 8 "you look more like a boyfriend to me" I heard them both laugh "no, we've never dated, though for fun I tell people we are and he gets mad". 

He said the last bit quietly to add effect, my body betrays me and I yawn "Wolf" I keep my eyes closed "hmm" I was actually tired so it was easy to play off "you all the way awake?" I shrug "mm". I sit up and stretch "who're you" I throw my feet over the side and light up a cigarette, a bad habit I picked up from the surface "Dean" I nod and stand up "alright then, see you wherever". I throw a wave behind me and head out without the jacket this time because they can go fuck themselves "damn" it was hot up here "hey you're Wolf right" I send a glare back "yeah" it was this nervous little shit "I was told you were an a-asshole". I sigh and look behind him at the guys who were laughing "get out of here dumbass" he nods and runs past me "damn I thought you would take the bait".

I groan and turn around "fuck off Jimmy" I walk past him and the other angel "and who the hell is that, he's here everytime" I throw my cigarette and step on it while I walk past "that's Jack, we have to leave with partners". I roll my eyes "another reason i'm not going, I travel alone" he runs a hand through his hair and grabs my wrist "Wolf just listen" I turn "what" he sighs "you can't keep going like this, I know how hard it is for you to sleep" I turn and start to walk away "I know how much you miss him". I stop and turn slightly "I get it ok, you miss dad, but you can't just avoid what's happeneing, you can't just ignore it" I scoff "you gonna stop me?" he doesn't say anything and I smirk "thought so".

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