4th Jack x Alex

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AN: yet another one requested by me myself and I 

AU: Mafia (because I can)


I grew up thinking I would leave for college and never come back, I hated my family more than anything because they didn't care about me "you can do better" I always had unrealistic expectations. They always wanted me to get all As, never get in trouble, stay quiet, stay out of their business, study, clean, and basically be the perfect kid that never messes up "why isn't this an A" I could never meet their expectations and they always made me feel like a disappointment. I just graduated and they're already putting in applications to colleges like Caltech "I don't want to go to Caltech or any stupid school like that" I was tired and pushed to my limit "you are going whether you like it or not, you will not be a homeless bum". 

I slammed my hands on the table and stood up "i'm not going to be on the streets I can get a job without a college degree" my dad stands up as well "you will not speak to us like that, you will treat us with respect" I scoff "I am not going! you can't make me do something I don't want to do". In response to my screaming my dad punched me in the mouth "you're an adult now and I will not take this kind of attitude" the punch knocked me off my feet and busted my lip, my mom just looked down at me in disappointment which pissed me off. I stand and storm out of the house "where the hell do you think you're going" I turn and snap "away from you and your wife" I couldn't even call them my parents anymore.

It was close to midnight and dark as hell since we don't have streetlamps in my neighborhood, I head down to the park and sit in the slide while calling Ben "hey Gogo what's up"I smile at his nickname for me "hey Ben you will not believe what happened". He is the only person that knows about my parents "what happened" he sounded worried immediately "well my parents were putting college applications in for me and I snapped, my dad didn't like it and punched me". His side was quiet for a minute "are you still there" nothing "Ben" he finally answered "sorry I was just shocked for a minute, are you still in the house or did you go to the slide again" I heard him shuffling "slide".

I heard his door close "i'm on my way, you can stay at mine for tonight" I roll onto my side "alright i'll see you when you get here" he lives about 20 minutes away "alright Gogo bye" I mumble "bye". I hang up and shiver when the wind blows over my body "do you have what I asked for" I heard talking and sat up covering my mouth so they don't know i'm here "no I just need to find-" it sounded like my dad "your son yeah I know where he is". I sigh and lay back since I already knew dad had been working for someone "where is he, did you hurt him, what-" my dad got cut off with a hit, but it was weird to hear him worried about me "he's fine, and could or could not be listening i'm not sure yet". I was starting to wonder who this person was "Jimmy don't hurt him, please" I have never heard my father say please "if you don't want that to happen then you're going to have to cooperate with me".

I closed my eyes kind of just giving up "ok what do you want from me" I felt someone grab my ankle and yank me out of the slide, I hit my head on the edge "Alex" this guy Jimmy grabbed me by my hair and forced me to my knees. Ben could show up any minute because he probably ran "Gogo!" speak of the devil, I shake my head at him "you dick" he yelled that at my dad after seeing my lip "Ben later dumbass" he flips me off and I flip him off back "who the hell are you". I curse "shit" Ben crosses his arms "who are you" I knew Ben would fuck up this whole situation more than it already was "alright i'm tired of this bullshit" he pulls a gun out on my dad "oh, you're the guy that Gogo's dad works for, this makes a lot more sense". His grip in my hair tightens "that's it, when you get me the money Frances owed me or bring me Frences you'll get your son back".

Around 10 guys in masks came out of the shadows "hold them" I watched several guys hold onto Ben and my dad while I was pushed onto my face, my hands were bound behind my back and my legs were bound at the ankles and knees. I make eye contact with Ben who looked frantic and was trying to get out of 4 people's grip, I did until a bag was put over my head and I couldn't see anything. I was picked up and put on the floorboard of I think a truck "make sure not to step on the poor kid" I roll onto my side and lean my head forward hitting the back of a seat "yeah yeah" I flinch when someone kicks my back "oops" several doors closed "dammit, Jack sit him up so no one steps on him". Arms were around my waist and helping me sit against the door in a couple seconds "he's against the door behind you" I was shifting a lot since my legs were extremely uncomfortable "hang on" a hand stopped my legs from moving and the ropes along my knees were cut. 

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