Gray x Gerard

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AN: this was voted on by diesatan. I'm back home now and I have my laptop again.

AU: Zombie Apocalypse 


We lost everyone in the beginning, all of our friends ended up getting caught in the first raid "do you miss them" Gerard and I were the only ones left "yeah, a lot" it's sad to think that out of all of us we were the only ones. We assumed they died when we got split up and never saw them come out of the building "do you think their really gone" I shrug "no point in keeping hope for people who didn't emerge from a zombie infested building is there". They were the only people I really truly came to trust after Stephen "so what do we do now" I shrug "what are we supposed to do other than wait" he leans against the wall of the alley we were in "wait for what" I shrug "help, anything, something". 

I was tired and didn't want to think of a plan to get us somewhere at the moment "ok how about we try to find someplace to stay for the night and get some rest before tomorrow where we can think of a plan". I nod and we start walking to find somewhere to stay "where do you think we would be safe" I shrug but then remember at Eugene's aunt's pet hospital "actually I think I know a place" he nods and lets me lead him. I walk to the vet and check for any zombies "ok there's a door in the back that leads to a secret room that we can stay in" he nods "ok where exactly is it in the back" I sigh "that's the problem I can't remember so if there's any zombies back there we're screwed".

He nods "ok well, maybe we can get through them depending on how many there are" I nod "ok yeah that works" we carefully move through the back "ok I think we're clear" I start looking for the door while Gerard looks through some stuff for whatever he was searching for. I push a specific button to open the door and to my surprise it actually worked "hey I got it" Gerard comes over and we open the door all the way only to be met with a gun to the face "Gray?" my eyes widen at the voice. Alex fucking Go was standing in front of me "I thought you died" he nods "we thought you two died as well, we went through the back" I nod "we went through the front, I thought the back was blocked off". 

He sighs "it was, Ben was relentless though" he waves us in and the rest of the group was there "I honestly thought all of you were dead, but I guess you all are really stubborn" they nod and Teddy speaks up "we should've figured that you two were way too smart to die". I shrug and sit in their circle "I thought I was going to die when Alex was waiting with a gun when we opened the door" he laughs and leans on Ben "I thought you guys were a threat" I nod "yeah I figured just glad you didn't take the shot". He nods "I planned on seeing who it was before blindly shooting" we talked until most fell asleep on the floor "so you still up too" I roll over to face Alex "yeah I am" he smiles "you need to tell him, you might never get to again after tomorrow" I nod "yeah I know" he nods "night" I nod back "night".

All of us woke up around 8 or 9 since it wasn't that light out I could tell it was somewhere around there "alright guys lets get going, we have to go find some food and water" we sent a team out and left a couple here. Gerard and I were allowed to stay back and I figured it was probably time to tell him, since like what Alex said I might not get another chance too depending on how the rest of our days go "Gerard can I talk to you". He nods and follows me to a corner "Alex told me that this might be one of my only chances to tell you this so I figured I wanted to get it off my chance before I can't" he nods and I take a deep breath. I have never been this nervous before "I like you and I have for a while I was just too scared to tell you" I waited for the inevitable rejection "well Gray I have to say that I feel the same", He paused, "but I don't think right now is a good time to start anything like that, when we get out of this I would love to go out with you" I nod "until then" I kissed his cheek and walked back over to the stray bean bag in the corner.

-3 years later-

The last of the zombies were taken care of and a lot of people were left relieved for all of this to be over "well looks like we made it" I nod "and with no casualties" he smiles "I guess it's time to plan that date then". I smile as well "I can't wait, we might have to wait until the country goes back to somewhat of a normal stance" he nods "that doesn't stop us from having a picnic or dating, so first date is a picnic in the backyard of your house because somehow it is the only one that survived". I turn back to the group "well since all of your houses got destroyed I would like to have you guys stay at mine to get back on your feet, plus I could use the company" I knew it was a desperate attempt at having someone there, but they seemed to want the same and agreed to it quickly. 

Things were rocky at first but in the next couple of months everything seemed to be back to most of the way it was, a lot of people are gone and loved ones were lost, but now we have a new beginning. Maybe now we could have a normal life, people don't want violence anymore so we don't have to fight the union anymore "this is peaceful" I nod "yeah it really is" me and Gerard were sitting against my bed frame and looking at a picture of the group before the apocalypse. I smile "makes me miss it" he nods "I really do miss the old days, when we were fighting the union and hanging out after school at the arcade or on the roof" I nod as well "now we aren't going to school and the union is more peaceful, especially since we are out of school". It was sad to see things change, but nothing stays the same and all you can do is move forward from the disasters that try to hold you back "lets go get dinner" he nods and we put the memory box back under the bed and head towards our new family.


AN: this one was short and simple and was easy to write, but right now i'm having charger issues and I have to wait until thursday to get a new one so if updates don't show up for a while I blame the new kittens for eating my wires.

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