2nd Jake x Wolf

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AN: this was just a ship that was brought to my attention by an amazing writer OneLuvFTW and I just fell in love with it so here I am

AU: Normal (because i'm cool like that)


I know my place when it comes to Jake and Donald, but at this point I couldn't give two shits about anyone so my mouth is out of control "Wolf!" we were in the middle of a meeting and thankfully my target was Jimmy. He's lower in the ranks than me so there is no consequece for my words, only stares from everyone "no shut the fuck up, i'm tired of your bullshit and i'm leaving". I left in the middle of the meeting and now I was walking to my favorite bar that knows me well, and knows when to stop serving me so I don't wake up in a strange place "hey Wolf back already" yeah I was here 2 days ago as well "yep" he hands me my normal drink and keep an eye on me for my time there. It was only 2 hours before someone showed up and sat next to me "so this is where you were" I look groggily over at Jake and shrug "you looking for me or something" when Jerry saw that I knew him he looked away and got back to work "yeah actually". 

I roll my eyes and finish off my drink "uh-huh for what" I hand my cup to Jerry and he refills it "you looked upset" I down this drink as fast as I could "so, you shouldn't care about that" as I said no filter. I regret it immediately "nevermind just leave, go hang with Dean or something" I was not supposed to talk to him like that and if i'm being honest Dean was a terrible choice I should've said Jimmy. He would at least understand since I was pissed at Jimmy, I only said Dean because i'm jealous of him "I don't hang out with Dean at night, he has his own thing" despite the protests in my mind I rolled my eyes "then go to Donald or something just leave me alone". I stare down at the table until Jerry leans over the counter to whisper to me "before you get too drunk would you be alright going with him" I nod "mhm" I mean I would be but Jake was looking between us confused. 

Jerry refilled my drink and left "you know each other" I shrug "I come here a lot and he makes sure I don't go with someone random" he nods "ah that makes more sense" I take this drink slower. He waits for me to get done drinking "i'm *hic* going home" I wave to Jerry and he waves as well "you can really drink" I shrug and stumble off the stool "oops" Jake gets up and sighs "you're a mess". I flip him off and walk out the bar "damn him" I could hear him mumble and trip on the curb "shit" I scraped my knee and hand on the concrete "you good" I nod and stand back up "i'm fine" he sighs and he arm snakes around my waist "you don't need to do that I can walk just-" he covers my mouth to stop me from talking. I pout and let him lead me to his car, mostly since I walked here "you sober enough to tell me your address" I shrug while I struggle getting in the car "maybe".

I was not able to tell him my address, but he drove me to his house so I was staying somewhere atleast "come on you drunk" I flip him off and lean onto him more as he unlocks his door "watch out for the-" I trip on this step thing and bring him down with me "-step". I could feel the alcohol really kicking in now and giggle "Wolf?" my head hit the floor and I couldn't really tell if it was bleeding but I didn't care at this point "hm?" he was staring at me in surprise "what" he shakes his head "I never heard you laugh". He was right over me, one hand next to my hip and the other next to my head "oh well" I shrug and roll onto my side, then rest my forehead on his wrist "hey don't go to sleep on my floor" I roll back onto my back and he gets up to close the door. He comes back and pulls me up on my feet "i'm going to try to sober you up so you atleast know where you are".

He pulls me to a table and hands me a bottle of water "drink that" I nod and open it, I watch him walk back to the kitchen and take gulps of water while waiting for him to come back "you ok in there" he yells this and I swallow my gulp before answering "yeah". I still couldn't think straight but the water was helping "alright after you finish the water you can sleep in the livingroom" I nod and lay my head on the table "I don't think I can trust you to not fall asleep at the table". I shrug "oh well, if I do I do, if I don't I don't" I push myself up and would've fallen back but Jake put his arm behind the chair "damn" he sighs "come on, you can take the water with you in the morning". I let him pull me to the livingroom and makes my lay down on the couch, then he grabs a spare blanket and pulls it over me "you can use one of the throw pillows here" he lifts my head and puts a pillow under it before I was out.

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