2nd Jimmy x Jack

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Mafia au


I am working at my desk taking care of some paper work and get a call from Helmet "yes?" nothing for a minute "we got him" I try to remember who the target was but couldn't "alright on my way". I get up and walk to the room expecting to see an old man tied to a chair but instead i'm met with two guys one is old and tied to a chair but the other is around my age and his chains on his wrists connected to the ceiling, I pull Helmet to the side "who are they?" he looks confused "this is Jack Kang and his father". 

I nod "who is in debt" he looks in a folder "the father" I look back at them "why is the son here" he shrugs "he was there but he was already beat up that wasn't us". I study the son for a minute he was looking down and had no shirt on, I walk over to him and look down since he's shorter than me and mumble to myself "who did this?...".

He flinches when I touch one of his bruises and looks up glaring "who the fuck are you?" he's a little feisty I like it "you don't need to know that the only thing you need to know is your father is in dept to me". He now looks confused "then why am I here" I shrug "honestly I don't know they took you here so I am gonna use it to my advantage" he looks surprised and I look back at Helmet "why is he asleep" he scratches the back of his neck "that would be Wolf". 

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose "3 second rule?" he nods "great get him in here" he nods and leaves and I hear a voice from behind me "what did you mean use it you your advantage" I turn back around. I see the guy staring at me and I see a little bit of fear in his eyes "you'll find out" the door opens and I turn around "you needed me" I look behind him and see Grape behind him "yeah, what did I say about the 3 second rule before I confront someone".

He laughs nervously "I acted on instinct" I groan "I hate that stupid rule of yours...go back to your boyfriend" he slightly blushes "yeah.." he walks away and Helmet comes back in "I guess we wait now" I nod and sit against the wall. I hear chains rattling and open my eyes "what are you doing" he was looking up and twisting his wrist "what does this connect to" I look up and shrug "I didn't install it".

His father groans a bit and opens his eyes "oh good I was getting bored" he freaks out "where the hell am I " he looks at his son and I saw a fake smile on his face "son..". The guy glares and looks down ignoring him "what am I doing here" I stand up and he turns pale "you still owe me" he stumbles over his words "I c-can get it I s-swear j-just give m-me some time" I shake my head "you got a loan yesterday there's no way you can blow that in that little amount of time".

He looks at his son "son you know I could please" he shakes his head "no stop" he avoids eye contact with him "I know you care about me". He shakes his head again "I don't leave me alone" I look between the two and something clicks something that pisses me off, mostly because he was really cute "you abuse him don't you". Both guys look at me and the dad shakes his head "I don't I swear" I look at the son and he nods slightly, but the dad see's it "you little shit I swear to god-" I punch the guy in the face and look at Helmet "go get Wolf and Grape but if they're busy get Gray".

He nods nervously and before he leaves I grab the keys to the chains from him and go to the son unlocking his wrists, his arms drop to his sides and I lead him out "do you need a shirt" he nods still not looking at me. I stare at him confused "are you ok" he nods still avoiding my gaze so I push him against the wall "why are you avoiding my eyes" he looks at me surprised "uh..i'm fine". 


This guy is hot but i'm eventually going to get the shit beat out of me and dropped off in some ditch so I can't back down or show fear. He grabs my chin and makes me look him in the eye "don't lie to me" I just stare at him "just let go.." he shakes his head "not until you tell me what's wrong". I sigh in annoyance "if your gonna kill me do it already" he looks a bit surprised so I continue "all of you people are the same only care about money".


The statement surprised me a bit "i'm not really after the money I just don't like broken promises and as for the killing you I don't plan on doing that" he looks confused "no you get to stay here I have grown a certain liking to you and we don't kill people I have a rule about that". Now he's flustered and is getting all red "what do you mean by liking" I smirk getting closer to him "follow me" I let go of him and he slowly gains his senses and follows me to my room.

When we get through the door I let him past and shut the door, I pin him tot he wall again "what now" I lean forward and look between his eyes and lips asking for permission to kiss him, he nods a little and I connect our lips.


He kisses me and I kiss back closing my eyes enjoying the moment, he lets my wrists go and grabs my waist while I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away attacking my neck surprising me a bit making me gasp, he chuckles and pulls at my waist pulling at a bruise. I grip his shirt and pull on it, he pulls away from my neck "what happened" I point at his hand and he moves it "there's a bruise there" he looks up "sorry" I nod "it's fine just hurt a bit".


I now realize it probably hurts to walk so I pick him up and lay him in the bed "what are you doing" I look at him "you rest and i'll get us food" he nods and I go to the kitchen grabbing a snack and two cokes. We spend the next few months hanging out and getting closer and closer and we made our relationship official.

AN: just a short story that is not very good but if you like it good   

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