Dean x Wolf

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AN: I feel like y'all choose the hardest ship to mix and I feel like I do a terrible job at trying to mix them so i'm slowly dying while wracking my brain trying to figure out how to write this and Wolf is going to be a bottom in these and I mostly do bottom pov because I understand most of them and feel more comfortable writing like that

TW: violence 

(they in the same high school now)


This is not gonna end well, at the moment my arms are being held against the wall by Dean and Timothy while Jake is standing in front of me looking amused "Wolf what happened to the aggressive little thing I used to know". I'm not how I used to be and I know that, I just didn't think it was obvious "nothing" I tried to keep my composure but all this reminded me of was the last time I was caged against the wall. Jake sighs "Dean take care of this issue Timothy lets go" they leave me with Dean, I forgot to mention we're on the rooftop so when they closed the door it locked itself and I have no escape unless I take him by surprise.

I was thrown to the ground as soon as it locked "you have changed but it's not just your attitude your a lot more nervous around people like your afraid something is hiding behind every corner and everyone is against you". He caught on easily i'm surprised he pays this much attention "so Wolfie who did this to you" my eyes widen as I remember every detail of that night.

~2 weeks earlier~

These fucking people are pissing me off, and who the hell are they "Wolf you know Dean, Jake, and Timothy right" I nod confused. I talk to them sometimes but mostly they leave me alone, and Dean has always had my attention in that group "well you see a couple of our sisters have seen them and want to meet them feel up to it". He pulls out a wad of cash, Hang on is he asking me to sell their bodies, do they think they're sluts "no what the hell is wrong with you they're not sluts" now I am extremely pissed "well if your not willing to help us with that you can pay the price they were gonna pay". 

I was pinned to the wall by one of the others but they were weak and I got a couple hits on the others, but there were like 20 of them that came out of nowhere and by the end of it I was shirtless against the wall again and the main guys phone goes off. He motions for them to hold me there and cover my mouth, they slammed my head into the wall and one of them starts to suck of my neck. I try to get my head out of their hands but they hold me still while that guy is on the phone "ok well your saved for today but let me warn you if I ever see you on the street again we'll continue where we left off". 

The guy that was sucking on my neck pulled back and the main guy continues "I have a couple rules though and I will know if you break them 1 you can't tell anyone what happened 2 you can't tell anyone we're looking for you 3 no hitting any of us ever again and you have no idea who's on my side so watch it but first let me give you a reminder of what happened". He carves his initials into my chest and I cry out in pain "bye Wolfie" they let go of me and leave me in the alley while I slide down the wall with my hands covering my bleeding chest.

~end of flashback~ 

I refuse to look at him and my hand subconsciously goes to my chest "nothing happened so why do you 3 even care" he's getting upset and it's obvious, I mean now it is since he's right in front of me holding the front of my shirt "something happened and I wanna know what it was!!". He was yelling in my face and I grabbed onto his wrist turning away from him "just let go" i'm reaching my limit "tell me what happened to you and I will!" I sigh "I...can't". What they did shook me to the core, they went farther than I ever have and I don't want to see them again "why not?" I shook my head.

He sighs "fine" he pulls me up by my arm and down the ladder on the side of the building and drags me to his house "what are you doing" he opens the door and drags me upstairs, he pulls me into his room and pins me against the wall "we're alone tell me". He has a hold of my wrists "you don't understand I can't tell you no matter how much I want to" if he would just listen and let me go I can protect them and myself "if you just tell me why you can't this would be easier". That guy never said I couldn't say why I can't tell them so I guess he will understand if I tell him "if I tell you they're gonna hurt me again" I just want to go home, I don't want to let it slip and the longer he has a hold of me the more I want to tell him and the more I loose my cool.

He looks surprised at my answer then pissed "who" I shrug "I don't know his name just his initials" he looks at me expectantly and I break under his gaze telling him everything and showing him my chest where the guy carved his initials. He looks even more pissed by the end of it "that explains it but I think we need to tell the others about it" I nod and we stare in silence getting closer and closer to each other until there's no space between us. He kisses me surprisingly softly, he pulls away "if you can spot him in a crowd I can get Jake and Timothy to get the rest of the group together and search" I nod "sure" we continue kissing.

~a week later~

Me and Dean are dating and we are walking in a group still searching the streets but i'm walking alone to trick them, I walk into an alley knowing they saw me and i'm immediately slammed into the wall "well I warned you didn't I". I know the others are watching but i'm still afraid that they won't help me and leave me here, before I know it the guy is holding me there kissing me shoving his tongue into my mouth "HEY!" the guy is pulled away and I stand there coughing while Dean runs over to me "sorry we lost track of you are you ok". I nod and wipe my mouth, he pulls my hands away from my mouth and kisses me "better" I nod "yeah a lot" Jake looks over at us "hey Wolf was there anyone else" I nodded and we tracked down the rest of them.


AN: this one was a little difficult to write due to me having trouble with the plot and i'm back so after I post this one I have 2 more left and this was requested by @shoaff on my request book thing. My rule with that is the first to comment gets the request  

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