2nd Gray x Alex

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The second I realized I liked Alex I couldn't look him in the eye at all and I got flustered, I would've gotten a clean get away if Ben hadn't invited everyone to his birthday party "come ooonnn just do it you coward". We were currently at a convenient store around 10pm trying to get Gerard to yell i'm gay and kiss Ben who agreed to it just to see people's reactions "I don't want to like at all" Ben smirks and whispers something in his ear that makes him agree.

I look between them and Ben goes to talk to Alex near the drinks who is having trouble deciding which drink to get "I'M GAY" Gerard then runs to Alex and Ben and kisses Alex who didn't expect it at all then runs out the store. Alex is silent for a minute and I feel the jealousy rising in my chest until he screams and wipes his mouth "BEN YOU BASTARD YOU TOLD HIM TO KISS ME INSTEAD I'VE BEEN INFECTED".

I try my hardest not to laugh but fail and now Eugene, Teddy, Ben, Rowan and Alex are looking at me, I finally compose myself "sorry...I honestly didn't expect that" Ben's face lights up and he shakes Alex's shoulder who was red for some reason "I made THE Gray Yeon laugh i'm so proud of myself". I roll my eyes "I do have a sense of humor it was just hard to hide my laugh for that one" we head out the store and when Gerard see's Alex's pissed face he bursts out laughing and Alex scolds him.


On our way back all I could think about was Gray's laugh and it made me smile and Ben noticed and whispers to me "before you freaked out about the kiss Gray looked jealous as hell" I push his face away and he laughs. We finally get to Ben's house and he pulls me inside and drags mt through the house and we end up at his sisters door, he knocks and she answers "what do-" she didn't get to finish before Ben threw me into her closed the door and held it shut. We were both on the ground with how hard he threw me "what happened this time" I rub the elbow that got carpet burn "I like someone and that asshole knows about it".

She laughs at me "well who is it" she sits criss cross "do you remember Gray you saw him like twice" she nods and smiles "that's so CUTE" and knowing that she tackles me and starts teasing me "ALEX HAS A BOYFRIEND FINALLY". I turn red and she laughs harder, we've always been like this me and her were like brother and sister we're closer than her and Ben "DUDE STOOP THEY'RE GONNA HEAR YOU". Ben yells from the other side of the door "TOO LATE EVERYONE'S HERE" I groan and they both laugh "LET GOOOOO" she shakes her head "not until you tell him i'm assuming he's out there" I shake my head "no I might die" she rolls her eyes and lets me go "ok bye gogo".

I try to open the door but Ben is still holding it "BEN OPEN THE DOOR" I hear laughing on the other side, so I walk over to the window and open it "see you later" she waves and sits back on her bed and I go out the window. The thing is every time I go out the window I walk over to Ben's side but today the roof was wet because it was raining, I was walking along the side but my foot slipped and I fell off the roof and landed on my back. The air got knocked out of me and I just tried to catch my breath for a minute before standing and walking to the front and sitting on the swinging chair, when I fell I heard Ben's sister yelling so I would assume there gonna be here in a minute.


We heard yelling after waiting a minute then there was pulling on the door, the pulling stopped and Ben's sister yelled from inside the room "gogo just fell off the roof" Ben lets go of the door and all of us run to the front. We find him sitting on the chair on the porch and Ben takes a deep breath "you scared us..this is why I told you not to walk across the roof again" Eugene looks confused but I expected it, they're dumb to be honest. They argue and I go back inside getting on my phone, sitting on the floor next to the couch I try and beat this stupid level on the math challenge I downloaded on my phone.


Once Gray leaves Ben starts to bother me "so how did it go with my sister" I glare at him "oh just great I loved the part where she exposed my crush" he laughs "what did she say to do" I roll my eyes "she said to tell him but I would rather not die when I get rejected". He sighs then his face lights up "I have an idea" he drags me in the house again and throws me onto the couch my face right next to Grays who turns back surprised, then he runs out the room giving me time to sit up "are you on a math game" I notice his phone with an equation on it. He nods "why did he just throw you onto the couch" I shrug "who knows" then Ben comes back with everyone else and a bottle "everyone sit in a circle" I scoot off the couch sitting next to Gray "Ben what are you planning".

He smirks "we're gonna play truth or dare" I glare at him and he spins the bottle, we go through a couple rounds and I get away without getting a dare from Ben and he spins again spins again and it lands on me "you remember or contract correct" I remember a certain line in it that was made by me. It read 'no choosing truth and no backing out of a dare' I wrote it because I thought he was gonna back out of a really good dare I had and now i'm paying the price, but I nod and he smiles "play seven minutes in heaven with Gray".

Now would be the time to go and get the pistol from my parents safe "I hate you so much..." and a voice interrupts us "were you talking about that super secrete contract you wrote when you were 8". It was Ben's sister "yeah..." she laughs "he was talking about the dare section wasn't he" I nod and Ben grabs mine and Gray's hands taking us to his room, which has the smallest closet and locks us in. I sit on the chest against the wall "may as well just sit here for seven minutes" Gray nods but Ben hears it "timer doesn't start until you kiss at least once" I yell back "how would you know if we kissed". I hear shuffling "I have a camera in there" I laugh "why" I don't get an answer, I look back at Gray "do you know why anyone would have a camera in their closet" he shrugs "seems pointless to me".

It's getting hotter and hotter in here and before I know it we've been in here for an hour "is it hot to you too" he nods and wipes his hands on his pants, then he says something that surprises me "wanna kiss and get it over with". I had to process what he said before nodding "yeah it's extremely hot in here" I stand walk towards him and cup his face tilting it to the side going all in and kiss him. Neither of us even attempted to pull away so the kiss just deepened the longer we kissed, he grabs my shirt pulling my closer and I pull away a second later sitting back down on the chest and I check the time waiting for about 7 minute and still nobody opens the door.

I knock on it "hey let us out we kissed" nothing I check the time again it's about 1am now "did they fall asleep" I shrug "I think they did either that or they went downstairs but either way we're stuck in here". He walks to the door jiggling the knob "it's a chair under the door it we can find something to poke at it and knock it we can get out" I nod and move the clothes around for a while and find a broom "didn't know he ha d a broom in here but ok" I aim it under the door and push as hard as I can and hear a crash behind the door. We walk downstairs and find everyone asleep on the floor "figures", Gray shrugs and grabs my hand taking me to the corner next to the air conditioner laying down and I cuddle him falling asleep.

-a month later-

Me and Gray are dating now thanks to Ben being my wing man, I walk to his class with Ben "so your gonna expose your relationship to his class today right" Ben jumps up and down excitedly "yup". Ben opens the door and we walk in "hey Gray, Eugene" Ben walks up to them with me following, Gray looks up smiling slightly at me and I walk up to his desk and lean down to his ear and whisper "it's time". He whispers back "what do you mean" I kiss him in front of his entire class smirking into the kiss with Ben laughing at Eugene's face since he didn't know either, I pull away and wave bye to him walking out with Ben who was smiling like I lunatic looking back at him "he was blushing like crazy Alex". 


AN: sooooo yeah I said I was gonna do this but I prefer Gray topping Alex but to contradict that I also prefer Ben x Alex    

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