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Tw: non Dnf 😟

Holy. Shit.

My face is beat root red.

Drista looks like she is about to burst, and George seems interested in the floor.

I quickly pull out my phone, and type his number into my contacts, and name the new contact, Fundy from the Restaurant.

I quickly pay, and shoo George and Drista out the door of the restaurant.

I rush up to my room when we get to my house, and slam my door.

I message Fundy, "Hey, this is Clay from the restaurant lol."

I almost immediately get a response back.

"Heyyy, I was surprised you actually messaged me." Fundy typed back.

"Well I mean why turn down an opportunity to text a cute guy ;)" I blush as a giggle like a middle schooler who's crush likes them back and they are about to hold hands at recess.



"Anyways I have to return to work, text you later cutie ;)."

"Byee ;)."

I toss my phone onto my bed, and lay back.

Knock knock

"Come in." I sigh, and George comes in the room.

"Hey." He says, dully.

"Uhm hi?" I respond, confusion lacing my voice.

He turns around and leaves the room, leaving the fucking door open.

"CLOSE THE DOOR." I shout, but I already hear his door close shut.

I groan, getting up from my bed to close the door, I figure that since I'm already up, I will just hop onto the server.

I get on, and see that George is already playing, I roll my eyes, and continue to strip mine.

About an hour later, I have almost 18 diamonds, and I get a text from Fundy.

I shoot to my phone, and see, "Im done from work <3."

I immediately type back a response, "Yayy! Btw do you play Minecraft?"

"Yeah ofc!"

"Whats you're user I can send you the IP address, and invite you into a server I made :)."

"Oh ok! My user is Fundy lol."

"Alrrr I'll send the IP hold on."

I quickly send him the IP and whitelist him.

I see in the chat, Fundy has joined the game.

I see almost immediately George types in, "Who is Fundy."

Fundy responds almost immediately, "The one from the restaurant."

"K." George responds.

I roll my eyes, and continue what I'm doing.

About and hour later, I type in the chat, "Ima head off now bye guys!"

George: "Bye."

Fundy: "Byeee! <3"

I smile at Fundy's response, and power off my laptop, and hop in my bed, right before I close my eyes I get a notification, I quickly get up hop out to see if it was Fundy, nope. It was George.


I really don't like this Fundy guy.

(487 Words)

Short chapter ik cry abt it

Also I dont feel like rereading it so

It was so hard to write this I have no motivation pls leave suggestions or this spider will crawl in your mouth when you are asleep

Nvm i dont have the courage to search up a picture of a spider to threaten you with wiht I have arachnophobia uhhhhh.

Leave suggestions or this dog will snap your neck when you are asleep

Leave suggestions or this dog will snap your neck when you are asleep

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