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I stood in the bathroom, dabbing foundation over my bruised flesh.

I had a high pain tolerance so they didn't hurt too bad and Nathaniel was too drunk to swing a real punch so it only shocked me.

It's Monday but I'm taking today off to 'hang out' with Karl and Sapnap. A part of me also wanted to actually hang out with them but a huge part of me had other ideas.

Images shot through my mind and I could see myself smiling in the mirror, i could also feel myself.

I groaned as I realised what I had to do now, it was just going to take up time so instead I just decided to wait for it to go.

I admired my face in the mirror and i decided it was good enough.

There was a timid knock at the door and Nathaniel's face popped in.

"Hello?" I said, turning to face him, then turning back remembering.

"Look I'm sorry, I-I'll take you out to dinner or something later if you want. I didn't mean to, I just got so angry at them"

I sigh, "I've already said no, now fuck off Nat. You don't have to do anything, you're a shit shot."

He chuckles then flushes red, I think he does genuinely like me. This must suck but I'll be here to keep him company if he ever needs it.

"Are you 3 in a relationship?" He asks quietly

I think about this, Karl and Sapnap definitely were, they kept sending me dozens of videos of them kissing each other and one of Karl sucking Sapnap off. I got hard thinking of that again.

I didn't delete that video yet so I'll watch it later.

If they were comfortable sending those videos then are we?

"I- I have no clue at this point, I guess I want to be in one but 3 people won't really work out, right?"

"I'm pretty sure it's called polyamory. I could be wrong though, I'm sorry again if I said anything disrespectful last night"

"Don't worry about it, you're a great friend either way. But I have seen your dick so I guess not really friends"

He rolls his eyes at that then smirks and comes over to hug me before leaving the room.

I got a text and looked down to my phone to see who it's from, it's from the group chat.

--- Stop changing the name ffs ---
Quackity changed the group name.

K- you still up for later? Ifykyk 😉

S- always :)))))))

Q- you guys are so weird but ofc yeah

K- when are you coming home?

S- Yeah AlExIs when are you home

Q- 1. Stfu, or I might literally pull out, 2. I'm about to leave so it'll only be about 10 minutes.

K- ight, I like you a lot!!

S- just fucking say it Karl.


Q- 😀

S- this is what we are stuck with

Q- I'm aware

K- :(

S- I'm sorry wlyt <3

Q- what if I don't?

S- ilyt <33


K- ty 😘

S- Karl, stop.

Q- be nice nick or you're out the gang

K- Sapnap, you're out da gang, you're out da gang Sapnap

Sapnap has left the chat.

Karl added Sapnap to the chat.

S- you guys are mean

Q- would you say, we are dicks?

S- no but I'd say you have very nice ones 😫😫

K- don't make me question my entire existence.

Q- he did that a long time ago, lucky bastard.

K- are you leaving now?

Q- yeah, Nats dropping me off. Sys

S- be ready for this dong fucko ‼️👀

K- eww gross of you to assume I'm not

Quackity has left the chat.

K- oh well

Sapnap has added Quackity to the chat.


I laughed to myself and looked up to the front seat where Nathaniel was positioned at the wheel, we were halfway out of the driveway.

"You sure you don't want me to do anything other then drive you?" Nathaniel questions

"I'm sure, you have pretty privilege" I say, looking into the mirror and winking. I watch as we make eye contact and he blushes slightly.

Maybe we could try again, now is just not the time.

Right person, wrong time.

I played with my beanie and looked out the window happily, I really do think I like Karl and Sapnap. They make me happy, but not like they used too. More now, a lot more.

We were pulling into the house now and I could see Karl on his phone through the window.

Sapnap walked through the open archway from the kitchen into the living room with his phone in hand.

I watched as he sat down beside Karl and kissed him on the lips quickly with a smile.

I thank Nathaniel and climb out, making my way to the house.

I was giddy in so many ways, I wanted them now, but not only now. I want them all the time.

It felt weird walking up to my own house and feeling nervous. Of course this wasn't my first time nervous going into my house, my parents could be mean. Really mean.

Not in a bad way but more in a, fuck I'm in trouble for that, way.

Sometimes I get really bad grades and I know my parents were told so I'm not excited.

I open the door with my key and I'm greeted with shrieks of joy from the two men inside, especially Karl.

"ALEX!! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Karl shouts, running through the door to my left and hugging me tightly.

I already feel myself he t happier in his presence, he pulls away and I kiss him gratefully on the lips.

He smirks and steps away to reveal Sapnap leaning against the door frame.

He walk over and take his face in my hands, greeting him with a kiss too.

"How are you? Why did you leave yesterday?" He asks.

"I'm good, and I had to leave. Nat was in a bad place" I answer simply

Karl nods and takes my hand, leading me to the living room. He sits me down on the couch and Sapnap sits down on my other side, taking my other hand. I intertwine my fingers with both of them and pull them into me to cuddle.

Karl takes the TV remote and turns on Netflix.

I feel safe with them, but also not safe at all. They could easily spring on me at any second and I wouldnt object. Working together they could take away my ability to walk for weeks.

I wouldn't want that, would I?

I would. I really would.

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