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"I can't fucking believe we are going back to school..." I groan, playing with Karl's hair.

"Well, I don't have to" Quackity grins from the other couch, adjusting his beanie.

"Shut up you! You're just to lazy to go to uni, besides, me and Nick are gonna have amazing sex in the dorm without you" Karl retorts, I can basically hear his smile. Quackity looks at us, disgusted.

"Unfair..." he mumbles and turns back to the TV.

"What's the plan for tonight?"I step in to break the tension.

"We're gonna go for the walk with the guys and then head to a restaurant, I don't mind which one. Would you guys be up for some minecraft later? We haven't played in a while" Quackity informs us, standing up to come and sit with us.

"How come you never cuddle with me like that?" He frowns.

"Because last time I tried you slapped me and then screamed "THE BEANIE STAYS ON!" dickhead" I reason and Karl snorts.

He huffs and puts his arm around me, watching whatever shitty comedy movie they had found.

I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh, "When's Techno home?"

"I don't know, some time soon, why?" Quackity replys, "is Karl asleep?"

I look down and nod, "yeah he is, I was just wondering. We should invite him to come on the walk with us. I'm sure the girls would love Amber"

He shrugs, "I'm fine with it. Text him"

"After the movie, Karl has me trapped"

As if on cue the front door opens and closes, signalling Techno is home.

"Hey" I smile as he walks in the room, Alison asleep on his shoulder and Georgia running ahead in search of Karl.

When she spots him she waddles up to him and  repeatedly hits his cheek with her balled up fist.

He jolts awake and looks around.

"Georgia! No!" Techno corrects but it's to late.

He yawns, "it's fine, hi, I'll play with you in a moment" she grins and giggles, climbing onto the couch beside him.

The girls really look up to Karl, it's adorable.

"So, we were just talking, do you and the twins want to come on a walk on the beach with us, Ranboo,Toby,Tommy and Amber later?"

He thinks, putting Alison down on the armchair.

"Sure, I'd be up for it"

(There is 2 couch's opposite each other and an armchair to the left, the TV is on the right of it and has a window behind it.
Then on the far side of the room there's a black beanbag and a door to the kitchen
Yellow: door
White: TV/carpet
Blue: seating area

Then on the far side of the room there's a black beanbag and a door to the kitchenYellow: doorWhite: TV/carpet Blue: seating area

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