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I watched the way the two girls ran around and played with each other, it was cute. I think I want kids, I'm not sure.

Well, I'm sure I want them, I'm not sure I'd be that good since I'm literally holding back the urge to punt them across the room.

I can't think that, can I?

Hopefully Techno isn't a mind reader.

I poke at my sunny side up egg, breaking the yolk and watching it spill out. Sapnap was talking to Techno in the hall, helping him with something.

Karl was playing with the girls, he had spun into town to buy them some toys. I'm pretty sure they see him as some form of god now.

"I can't tell what's cuter, you, or the girls" I say through a bite of food. Karl turns to me and he grins stupidly.

Karl is very open about wanting children, hopefully we will have a future together, Karl, Sapnap and I with a little girl or boy or non binary hoe, I don't know.

I can't think that, can I?

My phone buzzes beside me and I look down to see a text from Tommy.

When I open it my mouth drops, it's a picture of a familiar airport, the one only an hour away.

"What's wrong?" Karl says, rolling the ball to Alison in a simple, swift movement.

"Uhm- you remember Wilbur, right? Well, he's a streamer. I sometimes join in his streams and  he introduced me to some of his streamer friends. I got close to a small group he's closest too and one of them, Tommy, who lives in the UK just sent me a picture of the airport" I almost swear but remembering Alison and Georgia I don't.

Karl smiles widely at me, "that's great! I can't wait to meet him! Also, I'm coming with you to meet him"

"Or he's coming to us. Wilbur is getting him, what is going on?"

Karl comes to sit next to me and look at the messages, a frown crosses his face and he scrolls up slightly, "you told him you love him, are we not the only ones?" He pouts.

I laugh, "look up some more", he does, then laughs with me.

"You- you- muffin! I don't know, I've hit such a low point in life I'm quoting Darryl..." Karl says, reading over the string of texts again.

"Oh my god, you know what? Why don't we ask Darryl to come over? He loves kids!" I suggest, watching as Karl's eyes light up.

He nods with a grin, "yes! Text him!", so I do.

After sending the text I look back up to see the girls climbing on Karl again, they love him. Sapnap and Techno walk through the door, smiling at Karl and the twins.

When Sapnap sits down next to me I kiss his cheek quickly, turning away almost immediately and watch as he blushes red from the corner of my eye. His eyes glance to Techno and Techno looks unfazed.

"Q... not with the kids" he hisses, glancing at Techno then the girls again. I shrug and he sighs, taking out his phone.

I laugh to myself, I love making him embarrassed.

My hair falls past my eyes and I brush it away, looking at the men beside me on the couch.

I think I am pan, just watching them is making me feel single. I want a boy- girlfriend. Boyfriend?


Girlfriend. I'm Pan,I wouldn't date a guy unless I feel real attraction. I don't want a boyfriend, I want a girlfriend.

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