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TW:self harm, self doubt, eating disorder
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Nick, I need to talk to you, badly.

Who is this?

It's techno. I'm sorry about everything that's happened in our past, but it's past. I'm really scared right now, I don't care if we call or meet in person. This isn't a threat, I'm sorry, again.

Techno, youve sent me to hospital 4 fucking times and you expect me to help you? Ask someone else.

I can't, I need your help.

What's wrong? Did your dad come back without the milk?

Haha very funny, but seriously. Call me.

Ring... ring... connected.

"Nick...?" A voice trembled through the speaker.

He sounded scared, actually scared. Close to tears, or maybe already in tears. It's the second one.

"That's me, what do you need help with?" I ask, cautious with my words now that I know he's not trying to hate crime me.

"I'm scared. I want to talk to you in real life but I understand if you don't *sniff* want to"

"You've already told me you're scared, is someone trying to hurt you? Is someone hurting you? Are you hurting yourself?" I soften my voice, trying to be helpful.

"I- yes? No? I don't know. I don't know anything. I don't know who I am or what I am, I just know I've been feeling things now. You're the only person I really know that's still alive and, well. Gay? Are you gay? Oh fuck- I'm so stupid you probably aren't. He probably just said that, I'm making a fool out of myself"

The call is silent, muffled sobs coming through occasionally.

"No, you're right. In a way I'm gay, you aren't making a fool out of yourself. Are you saying you think you might be...?" I don't finish my sentence but he sniffs and lets out a half hearted, "yes".

"Ok, calm down. Where are you now?"

"I'm- I'm in the woods where we last met. I didn't know where else to go"

I'm walking out the door at this point, climbing into Quackitys parked car. It's the dead of night, he won't be needing it.

I put the forest into the GPS and start my drive.

"When did you first start feeling this?" I ask.

"Like- half a week ago? But I'm only coming to terms with it now I guess. I've been such a dick to everyone, I feel shitty" he sobs, "I felt like growing my hair out randomly too, so I did, it was a good long while ago and I didn't realise until now. Then I dyed it pink, I know colours *sniff* don't have genders, but now I have chest length, pink hair. Sometimes I even fucking braid it, like, I just feel inclined to do things"

He takes a few breaths.

"I think I'm pansexual, I've felt more like myself when I started thinking about it. But now here I am, in the middle of the woods at 12:05am, crying to myself. Well, you you"

I'm not far when I pull up and start walking.

"Ok, take some more breaths. I'm going to hang up now, but I'll see you in a few seconds"

He mutters something I can't hear clearly and hangs up, I've gotten a few messages from the group chat, mainly from Karl asking where I was off to and from Quackity telling him to shut up.

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