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Raelynn pov

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Raelynn pov

I walk out to the ring not listening to what was going on around me.

I need to focus on every match that I have because I want that belt back.

I climb into the ring and smile at everyone and I see Ian.
I frown but quickly put my smile back on.
I feel bad every time I look at him.
He deserves better than me.

I hear nicki music come on but she don't walk out and I smirk.

The screen comes on and it shows her laying on the ground.
Her lover John cena comes and help her.

Looks like nia did what I asked.
This is out of storyline but I don't care.
I have a plan and I plan on seeing it threw.

I get out the ring and cheer.
I hear the fans cheering and booing to but I couldn't care less.

I get back stage.
"Raelynn what happened did you do that to Nikki Bella?!" I hear but I keep walking.
"I don't have time to talk" I said and walked away.

Time skip

After work I go to the hotel and wait for Ian.

I mess around with my fingers as I wait.

How am I going to do this?, how is he going to react?.
I know he's going to hate me after this conversation.

I hear a knock at the door and I feel like I could throw up.
I walk and open the door and see him.

"Hey you wanted to talk" he said and kiss me which makes me feel so bad.
"Yeah come in" I told him and close the door when he comes in.

He sits down on the couch and watch me as I pace back and forth.
"You okay?" He asked me.
"Yes...well no" I said
"What's going on?" He asked.

"I did something and I don't deserve to be with you after what I did and you don't deserve the disrespect from me" I tell him and sit down on the table.

"Okay Uhh I'm confused" he told me and do a nervous chuckle.

"I kissed randy and I still love him, I'm sorry Ian" I grab his hand and he snatched them away from me.
I felt the pain.

He gets up and look at me "I'm glad you told me and I'm glad I won't be wasting my time anymore" he then walks out the door and slam it behind him.
I cry into my hands.

I shouldn't even be crying I laid my bed and now I have to lay in it.
I hate myself.
He is such a good man but no I have to fall into the trap that is randell orton.
I stand up and turn the lights off and lay in bed.
I wipe my tears away but they keep coming.

So guys I'm planning on doing the biggest time jump in the minute because I have a idea I want to do and I want to get to the new Roman reigns because I'm all for it.
Also I don't know if Randy and Raelynn will get back together just yet.

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