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Time skip to 2017 gotta get to my goal.

Time skip to 2017 gotta get to my goal

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I smile as I hold the belt to me

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I smile as I hold the belt to me.
This is always a good feeling to me.
I have lost and won this belt multiple times over the years but this time I'm gonna try and be one the one to hold it for the longest which may be hard but I like the thought and challenge.

Me and Michael have been good.
My mom called us two idiots as we haven't made us a real relationship.
I'm scared to get serious.

My parents in their time have also decided that they want to make me feel older than I am.
They want to start back trying for kids which I laughed at when they told me and I told them they were to old for that which isn't all that true as they had me in they teen years.

Randy walks up to me with Ellie and I smile and bend down to my four year old height.
"Mommy!" She yells and I hug her.

"Mommy!" She yells and I hug her

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She's beautiful she's my world.

"So I put her stuff in your dressing room" Randy told me and I nod.
"Great thanks" I said and he nods and kiss Ellie cheek and walk away.

Randy ended up getting back with Sam and having another daughter so now he has three daughters in total.

I'm not mad about it as we have been over for quite some time.

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