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Raelynn pov

I see nothing but darkness.
I feel a hand holding mine and I hear a beeping noise.
What's going on?, why can't I feel my my arms and legs?, why won't my eyes open?.

"Hey baby" I hear. I know that voice it's my dad.
"Hi honeymoon" I hear and know it's my mom she only calls me that when I'm hurt.
"Hi raerae" joelle my little sister.

"We are here for you baby" my mom says and a hand runs threw my hair and threw my long locks of curly hair.

"When will she wake up daddy?" Jojo asked "we don't know honey" he answers.
I am awake!, I can hear you!, I just need to figure out how to show you all that.

"I'm just glad her and the baby is okay"
What my baby is okay that's great!.
"Hey guys sorry it took me so long to get here" is that Randy?
"It's cool" my dad answers

"Ellie fell asleep but I know when I sit her down she will wake up" he said and I want to laugh because it's true.

To bad I seem to can't do shit but listen which is gonna get old quickly.

"Mommy?" A little voice.
My baby girl.
I feel her lay on me.
"Oh the poor baby, my poor baby" my mom cries.
Okay she's acting like I died.
Wait will I die?, nah I'm to tough for that.

"Joe how could this happen to our baby?" Mom asked my dad.
Woah she's calling him Joe I must be fucked up.

Time skip

It's been four weeks I would like to be up now.
I'm getting tired of this never ending darkness.

I feel a hand grip mine.
"Hi Rae" Michael says
He's been here the most and he keeps apologizing which if I was up I wouldn't mind but he didn't need to keep saying sorry I forgave him like two weeks ago.

"I'm so sorry" he said and that number what 200? He has said sorry.
Then again Michael wears his heart on his sleeve.

"Stop apologizing" I say and finally open my eyes and look at him.
He jumps out his seat knocking the chair on the floor.
"Now what did that chair do to you?" I asked and smile as he chuckles and kiss me.
"God I was so scared" he said once he pulled away.
"Yeah I know I could hear you all" I tell him.

"You did?" "Yes Michael I heard you cry a total of five times and really I thought it would be more" I laugh.

He kiss me again
I pull away and he just smiles at me.

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