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⇋The sound of my alarm woke me up to make me instantly aware of the cold winter air lurking around in my apartment

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The sound of my alarm woke me up to make me instantly aware of the cold winter air lurking around in my apartment. I started to shift around against my bed, quickly realizing that I was laid up underneath a bare arm that brings shockwaves to the energy of my skin.

Steele let out a sleepy groan right after I had noticed I was under half of his muscular body, and I opened my eyes just to make sure I know where I am. I don't remember getting in bed last night.

"Is that your alarm for class?" His raspy and irregularly deep voice questioned me, hitting me with similar emotions to the ones I felt last night. He's so fucking hot. I love when his voice sounds so low and gruff.

Shit... wait...

Did we have sex?


Did we have sex?

"Yeah," my answer came out with a difficulty.

Did I sleep with Steele last night? I can't remember anything past the first few minutes after we got here.

"Okay, time for class then I guess." He groaned with his soft joke, rolling off of me to stand with a minor slouch in the middle of my bedroom floor. He stood there shirtless. And still tall as fuck despite the slouch. Fuck. He looks like a glass of water and I feel like I haven't drank in days.

I looked at him with confusion in my heavy eyes as I continued to lay on my stomach in my bed, my phone still buzzing close to my head with the repetitive sound of Carried Away by Passion Pit. The alarm didn't start getting annoying to me until the third round of the first ten seconds of the song had just started up once again. I shook myself out of my anxiety driven daze and slightly sat up with an inadvertent arch in my back to turn off the alarm. It wasn't until I sat up that I realized that I'm not wearing any shirt whatsoever.

Thankfully I still have my bra from last night on to cover me, but that intimate piece of clothing doesn't at all ease the instant rush of adrenaline that just shot from my head to each one of my toes.

"Could you toss me a shirt?" I tinily asked Steele as I rolled over onto my back to bring my comforter over my chest.

"Sure thing, princess."

"Really? We're doing that this early in the day?" A groan escaped me as my eyes shifted up to the ceiling.

"You weren't complaining about it last night," he hummed with gaiety in his rough morning voice.

My head turned to the right quickly so that I could stare him down as he searched my floor for a shirt. I saw the smirk clearly drawn onto his lips. He clearly knows that I'm actively watching him with confusion as I scour my thoughts for any memory at all.

"Did we..." I mumbled, watching him closely as his gray eyes aimlessly searched the carpeted ground.

"Did we what? Fuck?" Steele asked bluntly, glancing quickly and casually at me with his clarification. My heart immediately dropped while it also began to race, the organ practically malfunctioning with his disposition. Did we? "You wanted to."

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