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⇋"I don't want to start anything if you're not ready to, Fleur

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"I don't want to start anything if you're not ready to, Fleur. I won't be mad at you if you need a few days or even weeks to cool off from what happened earlier." Steele spoke. I looked up at his anticipatory lips that had turned a deeper red color from the singular minute of our making out. Although he keeps a slow rhythm, he is still somehow one of the best kissers I've ever indulged in.

To be fair, I've only made out with less than five or so men in my entire life, but something tells me that even if that number happened to be larger, he would still be the top contender on the list.

"I am okay, Steele." I whispered while he continued to look down on me. I watched his attention trail away from my face to the top button on my white, harsh blouse.

"I just wish he wouldn't have touched you." He lowered his voice to whisper with me. "I'm so sorry he touched you." His eyes roamed back up to mine as ache filled the numerous coal colored craters in his irises.

"Stop apologizing," I tried to assure him as my hands detangled from his drying hair. My body backed away from his a few inches so that my fingers could go to the top button of my shirt that he had just been staring at. "You protected me more than anyone has ever cared enough to."

Once my fingers had found the proximity of the second button, I looked back up at him to find him gazing at me in awe. "You deserve so much." He spoke with deep sincerity. "I'll protect you from anything."

"My knight in shining armor," I giggled.

"Gross. Is this how you feel when I call you princess?" I watched his face twist into a chagrined expression.

I tried to suppress my smile. "It is. So maybe you should stop calling me that since you finally know how gross it feels."

A large smile came across his lips as he leant in toward the left side of my face until his eyes were out of my view. "Not happening, princess." His raspy voice whispered as lowly as it could against my hair.

A shiver snaked slowly down my spine and I felt as my hand stopped unbuttoning my shirt solely just to revel in the way his voice touches the inner walls of my chest. I'm still not sure if it's weird to say that his voice turns me on like this, but no one else's voice has ever done these things to me. It's unnatural almost. And it'd probably be weird for me to ever admit something like that to him.

How can he make such a horrendous nickname so goddamn arousing?

"See, princess? You're not complaining about it anymore," he kept with his low, gravely, bassy tonality. The smile he has on his face is clear in the way he's speaking and I can feel his hand drifting lower down my back with a ponderous speed.

"Because I don't-"

"Shh... Princess..." He swiftly cut me off with a slight jump to his mellowed pet name. "Why don't you just let me call you whatever the fuck I want to call you?"

Stainless SteeleWhere stories live. Discover now