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(This chapter contains sexual themes.)

The agonizingly long day had finally come to an end as I waited for Zach to pick me up from work. Throughout this Monday I was bombarded with questions and false accusations, given glares and looks from a handful of people I've never seen or spoken to in my life, and to top it off, I had to work alone since Hope called in. Though today truthfully wasn't as bad as it could've been, I wish it would've ended a lot faster than it did.

I currently sat at the bottom of the front steps of the library, waiting for what felt like an eternity for Zach to show up. You'd think that he would try to get here as soon as possible, considering he was wanting to fuck this morning. But no. Zach is obviously not the person I thought he was and I need to stop assuming things about him. He is not the man I thought he was.

It took about eight more minutes, but Zach's old car rattled into the circled driveway. I stood from my spot on the steps and descended the rest of stairs to walk up to the passenger door of his car.

Roxanne has touched this handle before.

"Hey, babe! How was work?" Zach asked right away. He's trying to pretend like nothing bad ever happened between us. He really is just trying to piss me off now.

"Okay, I guess. I had to work alone, so..." My voice trailed off as I sat and shut the door behind me.

Don't think about them doing it where you're sitting. Don't think about Roxanne touching Zach. Don't think about them even though they probably fucked right on the seat your sitting only a week ago.

"That sucks," Zach commented, still trying to keep up with his positive tone. "I made some chili back at the house if you're hungry. I got bored earlier and decided I wanted to try a recipe I found online a while back."

"I'm not hungry, but thanks," I emotionlessly spoke as I watched the numerous buildings fly by us while Zach drove us closer to my home.

"Are you alright, Fleur?" He asked, finally letting his tone turn to his true emotions of bitterness and annoyance.

"I don't know, Zach."

"What's your problem now?" He groaned with the intentions of setting me off, but I managed to contain the burning fire inside of me.

"Everything is my problem," I kept up with my toneless attitude to counteract his provocative intentions. "I'm feeling depressed lately."

"Are you depressed or are you just sad?" He patronizingly questioned.

"I think I could actually be depressed, Zach. I'm majoring in psychology, I can somewhat call these things now. Give me another couple months and I can answer your stupid question."

"I think you're only trying to get my sympathy." He angrily snapped. "You're not the innocent one in this situation."

"Neither are you," I began to let emotions run into my voice as I fought back.

"We've already established that we both did wrong things-" Zach started up, but I felt myself blow before letting him finish.

"Our mistakes are not equal! All I did was speak words with someone you're afraid of." I rose my volume towards Zach. "You put your dick in someone's vagina and lied to me about it. More than once!"

"Shit, I understand that, Fleur! How many times do I need to tell you that I'm not going to do it again before you forgive me?"

"I don't know! I just want you to stop being a little bitch about all of this," I bit on the inside of my lip in between sentences to try to sedate my boiling rage. "You keep acting like I went around sleeping with people like you were. Stop treating me like I'm doing horrendous things like you. I have morals set for myself. I don't do things based off of how horny and alone I'm feeling in the moment. I'm not you, Zach!" I nearly screamed.

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