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⇋I walked in through the huge front door of the frat house with my full backpack on over the shoulders of my white, baggy hoodie

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I walked in through the huge front door of the frat house with my full backpack on over the shoulders of my white, baggy hoodie. Instantly, the eyes of the people standing in the front walk way turned toward me. A few of them ended up ignoring me, to my surprise, but others looked away with condescending smiles on their mouths, definitely in response to my presence. I felt a stab directly to my self esteem with all of the unwanted attention.

I am not helping the rumors of me being a prude right now. Especially not with this bag on my back. Not that my outfit is helping much either.

Whatever. I shouldn't care. Even though I fucking do.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I walked through the tightly packed crowd to find that Hope had texted me with their location. Which happens to be the hidden bathroom back in the dining hall. At least I know where that is so I can go straight there instead of standing around in wait to subject myself to such harsh judgment.

I passed numerous numbers of people as I made my way to the bathroom, many of which who stared, but I tried my hardest to ignore it and I walked into the out of place room as soon as I possibly could.

Once I walked in, I found Steele sitting on the edge of the bathtub as Hope sat on the closed toilet. They both turned to look at me as I rushed to shut the door behind myself before anyone could see inside of the tiny room.

"Why the fuck is she here, Hope?" Steele instantly shouted at her as his fury stricken eyes lazily darted to her face.

She looked back at him, her finely shaped eyebrows pulling closer together with the brief silence in the noisy air. "You kept telling me you wanted to talk to Fleur? What else was I supposed to do? I'm sorry for helping!"

"That doesn't mean that I fucking wanted her here in this fucking building." I could tell now that Steele's words were slurring and that his breathtaking eyes were currently blood shot. He's definitely drunk. "She shouldn't be here."

"Stop being like that, Steele. She literally dropped what she was doing just to come help you, so you could at least pretend to be grateful. Did you just want to talk to her so you can bully her more or something?"

He started to open his mouth to say something absolutely malicious to her, and I could tell how terrible it was going to be because of the look on his face. I'm sure Hope saw it coming as well, so I rushed to cut him off before he could say some drunken words that he won't be able to take back.

Not that he'd want to take them back. I think he gets a kick out of being a complete asshole to people sometimes. It feeds the toxic, sadistic nature that he's grown into during his adolescence.

"What's even going on?" I loudly questioned as I looked toward Hope. Both her and Steele looked at me, their movements almost in sync.

"Steele drank a whole bottle of whiskey and started coming at West sideways in front of everyone in the living room." Hope sighed with the slightest eye roll that she could pull off without Steele noticing.

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