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⇋After pulling one of Zach's thin gray jackets over the Guns N Roses tshirt I had recently put on, I walked into the living room only to find Zach waiting patiently on the couch, peacefully watching whatever was on my television

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After pulling one of Zach's thin gray jackets over the Guns N Roses tshirt I had recently put on, I walked into the living room only to find Zach waiting patiently on the couch, peacefully watching whatever was on my television.

Following the night we had yesterday, I'd say that we're closer than we have been in a complete year. Intercourse like we had can form an incredibly strong bond, apparently. It was a pretty amazing time, if I do say so myself. I missed us being lighthearted with each other.

"Ready to bounce?" Zach asked as I walked toward the front door.

"Yeah," I quickly replied with a large smile on my mouth.

"Just to make sure I've pounded this into your head, you do know that I don't want to go to this, right?"

"I know," I sighed as he lifted his car keys off the coffee table and walked over to me. "I don't want to go all that much either, but I heard they're going to have good bands there. Jake's band, and Tey's-"

"You've still never talked to Steele, right?"

"Why would I?" I attempted to play it cool, grabbing onto the silver door handle to keep my now skittish hands busy.

"Just checking. You know, I haven't seen him around campus all that much lately," Zach continued to ramble about a subject matter that I'm not quite in the right mind to talk about. "I wonder what he's been up to." I opened the door to let Zach walk outside.

Once we both got out of my apartment, I shut the door and locked it behind me. We then began our short travel to Zach's black car in the fifty degree weather.

"It's pretty warm out here for the beginning of November," I tried my hardest at pushing a subject change, but Zach wasn't budging.

"I heard he was at that party we went to last weekend at that Caleb guy's house," Zach said with a suspicious energy in his tone as we walked closer to his car.


"Did you see him?" He asked, turning his head to look at me.

"I mean, I think I saw him in the kitchen for a split second, but he left as soon as I walked in there."

Well, it's not a complete lie...

"Hm," Zach made a noise as if he was actually thinking over what I was said. "Did you see him get in a fight while we were there? Roxanne said she heard he punched some dude's face in."

"Zach, the only time I even saw him was when he was leaving the kitchen," I crisply responded as we finally reached his car. We both slid in without another word and got in position for the six minute drive ahead of us.

I managed to buckle my seatbelt before he had even gotten his keys in the ignition, but he soon buckled after the car was hesitantly started.

Our conversation had completely died by this point, so to occupy the empty and somewhat tense atmosphere, I turned on the radio that sits in front of the both of us. Zach began to back the car out of the parking spot and maneuvered the huge piece of metal around all the other huge pieces of metal until we got to the busy intersection stopping us at a red light.

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