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⇋Two full shifts of work went by over the weekend without a single appearance from Hope

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Two full shifts of work went by over the weekend without a single appearance from Hope. If I'm being completely honest, the fact that she's acting like this right now continues to petrify me. Granted, she never really showed up to work in the first place pre-Fleur and Steele being maybe somewhat an unhidden item era, but I know she's avoiding her job right know solely because of something I've done.

I just wish I knew what it was.

The fact that I thought her and I were closer than this is what makes it all that more painful. I considered her my closest, not to mention only, friend left. Yet she found out what I had been doing behind closed doors and dropped me without a second thought or question.

I don't know. I just know that it hurts. Especially after everything I've been through.

But Steele has been keeping me company over the weekend, thankfully. Between sexually tense make out sessions that have to be cut short, homework, unhealthy junk food, and a sleepover that somehow managed to last all weekend long; we had found a strangely comfortable equanimity within each other. I hadn't excepted Steele to stay at my apartment for so long, but I hadn't really even thought about how long it's been until just now, because it feels natural being with him. To be fair, we still have our slight disagreements pretty often because he's stubborn as hell, but I don't think I've ever enjoyed someone's company as much as I enjoy his.

The only time we've really spent apart since Friday is when I have to go to work and pretty much anytime one of us steps foot into the bathroom. Although, he's definitely tried to include himself in one or two of my bathroom trips. He somehow gets conveniently lonely when I shower.

I had just started to leave the library after my Sunday night shift as soon as I saw Steele's white El Camino pull into the circular drive before the vehicle stopped at the curb of the long staircase. A tiny huff escaped me and I started to descend the slippery steps after a hesitant second.

"I told you I can walk home, Steele." I reminded him once I opened the passenger door to sit on the warm cloth seat.

"Yeah, I know what you said." He responded stoutly in his oceanic voice. "Everything is starting to freeze over and I'm not a monster. You could just say thank you."

"I'm sure that's exactly what you'd like me to say." I laughed with my stupid joke as he began driving us away from the curb.

I turned my head to the left to look at him as a smile came across his enticing mouth. "How did you know?"

"Intuition. What are you planning on doing for the snow storm later this week?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you planning on staying over at my place?"

"First of all, the weathermen are blowing that shit way out of proportion because they think they can get people to panic buy stupid shit they don't need from Walmart. I bet it won't be more than two inches of snow at most. Secondly, are you wanting me to stay at your place?" Steele ended his short, passionate rant with his gentle question.

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