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⇋My psychology professor had released us about fifteen minutes early today

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My psychology professor had released us about fifteen minutes early today. After walking all the way across campus and through the neighborhoods nearby, I finally made it back to my apartment. In retrospect after all this time, it'd be so much easier to have a reliable bike or actually buy a car to avoid all this walking, but my mom never wanted to help me much with figuring out how to buy a car. Or any transportation for that matter.

She had always expected me to figure it out on my own and I've never had the energy to do it.

Walking isn't that bad, I guess.

I made my way into my messy as fuck apartment and threw my backpack down by the doorframe out of convenience. A sigh escaped my lungs as I stood there and looked around at the physical expression of my depression. Somehow, this lonely hole of a home is a lot messier than it was two days ago.

After turning on the alternative music station on my outdated television, I hopped right into cleaning, even though I'm emotionally and physically exhausted and surviving off of only four hours of sleep.

If those four hours weren't the best sleep I've had this past week, I don't even think I'd be able to clean.

Two loads of laundry, a full dishwasher cycle, about twenty Clorox wipes, and two hours later; my apartment was restored back to its once neat state. I already feel so much better and lighter than I did. It hasn't been this clean in here since before Zach reintroduced himself to my daily routine.

I also realized how many goddamn tshirts Zach left here. About half of his damn wardrobe is in my closet.

I should donate his clothes to goodwill or something, because I don't plan on talking to him again for a long, long while. Besides, he doesn't deserve to get them back at this point. He doesn't deserve my kindness.

I need to stop thinking about him.

After a second of silently thinking to myself, I felt my phone begin to vibrate in the pocket of my unseemly black sweatpants. I pulled it into my view only to find my mom calling, which is odd because she rarely talks to me anymore since I left for college. I think the last I heard from her was back in September. Literally months ago.

"Hello?" I answered her call with one of the most confused tones I could've possibly used. I hope everything's alright.

"Fleur Rein. Zach called me earlier and it was brought to my attention that you're getting shacked up with a drug dealer?" She sternly investigated.

"What are you talking about?" It took a second for me to ask in response.

This is not what I expected. I don't know exactly what I expected, but I know it wasn't this.

"Zach, your best friend since junior high who you're apparently not talking to anymore." She condescendingly clarified. "He called me today to inform me that you're not friends with him anymore because of some older guy who sells drugs on campus. Is this true?"

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