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⇋"I'm going to go get in bed," Hope weakly spoke out above the volume of the television

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"I'm going to go get in bed," Hope weakly spoke out above the volume of the television. The three of us were watching tv for about thirty minutes in an awkward silence after we threw Zach back outside earlier. I'm honestly relieved she finally broke our quietude. "Are you sure it's all right if I sleep in your bed, Fleur? I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything."

"I don't mind at all!" I reassured her kindly as I stared into space somewhere around the tv screen. "I think I'm going to stay up for a little bit longer though."

"Where am I expected to sleep?" Steele asked from the opposite end of the couch that we all sat on, keeping his mesmeric head propped up by his large right hand.

"Wherever you want, I guess. I honestly wasn't expecting you to actually stay," I answered him as Hope stood from the middle cushion of the couch.

"Well, it's too late for me to leave now," he sleepily retaliated. "I'll just sleep here. Do you have any more blankets or did Ainsley take them all?"

"I'm sure there's still some in there," I replied with a yawn. "Hope," I called out to her as soon as she had entered my bedroom, "could you grab a blanket from the back of my closet please? They should be in a stack."

"Yeah, no problem!" She said from my room.

"Could you also grab a pillow off of the bed?"

It took her maybe half a minute, but she came back into the living room with everything I had asked for under her arm. She sat it down in front of Steele and I, and I thanked her happily before she tiredly, and somewhat over-exaggeratedly, dragged herself back into my room.

"Is it fine with you if I stay in here for a little bit longer?" I asked Steele as I turned my head away from my now shut bedroom door to face him. I could feel a light skittishness spreading in my gut because we're alone, in my apartment, on my couch... but it's not strong enough to really acknowledge.

"This is your apartment," Steele emotionlessly sighed as he intently watched whatever the hell he had just changed it to. "Do whatever you want."

"I don't want to keep you up." I attempted playing the hospitable card with him, although deep down inside I would secretly prefer him not being here and sleeping on my couch. It just feels weird. It's making me feel anxious. It's making me feel all nervous and clammy and restless, and I hate it.

"I don't care. It's not like I can sleep right now anyway."

"So, uh," I instantly let out as soon as he was done talking. He turned his head away from the tv and caught my eye during my briefly paused sentence. Once my eyes connected with his, my words slipped from my train of thought.


"'So, uh,' what?" He mimicked testingly. I can tell he's still pissed at me for trying to defend Zach.

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