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⇋I looked up from my book report I had been engrossed with for the past hour and reverted my attention to the clock resting above my large box tv

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I looked up from my book report I had been engrossed with for the past hour and reverted my attention to the clock resting above my large box tv.

After reading the time, I realized that it was already a quarter till six. I quickly stuffed another bagel bite into my mouth, rushing to stand up from the floor as I blocked Zach's view of the tv.

"Okay, okay, okay," I tried to get out as I swallowed the small piece of food I had in my mouth. "I'm going to read what I have for my essay so far and then I'm going to go get ready for work after you critique it," I had hardly gotten out between coughs.

"Well, don't choke yourself in the process," he laughed as I continued coughing due to the way the mini pizza scraped my throat on the way down.

"Okay, here we go," while clearing my throat, I straightening my posture in the process. "'A Farewell to Arms is an aberrant and enthralling book...' and that's all I have."

"Eh. I'd give it a three out of ten."

"Four out of ten," I briskly retorted and he kicked his feet up to rest on the coffee table.

"Fine. Strong three, weak four," he smiled and popped another bagel bite into his mouth.

"Sweet," I mumbled back, dropping the handwritten paper next to Zach's feet to run into my bedroom. My eyes searched the disastrously messy room in a hurry, finding my pleated khaki skirt and a purple cardigan sitting at the foot of my bed. I rushed to pull the thick cardigan on over my tank top right before sliding out of my jeans just so I could quickly shimmy into the horrendous tennis-styled skirt that I loathe. After getting dressed, I made my way over to my closet so that I could look for my black flats.

The library has a strict dress code policy whenever it comes to the library assistants. I mean, it's understandable, considering that it's the largest on-campus library around for miles and we live in Seattle, but I really wish they would calm down with the skirt rule whenever it gets this cold outside. I don't feel like losing my legs to frostbite during my first semester of college.

"You need a ride?" Zach asked once I made my way back into the living room. I grabbed my coat off the arm of the couch with a slight nod of my head.

"If you don't mind."

"Yeah, no problem. After all, you are letting me stay the night," he tonelessly spoke and stood up from the leather couch.

We left my apartment and went out to his freezing car. This time the ride wasn't as uncomfortable as the last because Zach decided to turn the radio on and blast some horrendous pop music, which I strongly objected to, but he defended himself with the convincing statement of, 'it's my car, I get to play what I want.'

It took about four minutes and two terrible songs, but we had finally made it to the library and I jumped out of the car as fast as I could so that I could escape the horrible grasps of Taylor Swift singing about shaking it off.

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