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⇋"Hey," I murmured as I shuffled my way inside my home, trying to get away from the cold air that had been following me all the way back from the coffee shop

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"Hey," I murmured as I shuffled my way inside my home, trying to get away from the cold air that had been following me all the way back from the coffee shop.

"Hey. Food's been here for about ten minutes. Sorry if it's cold," Zach grumbled from what sounded like the kitchen.

"You eat yet?"

"Nope, I was waiting for you. Like I said I would," he continued on with his upset tone.

Truthfully, I was in a pretty good mood until I walked through the door. Now I can't really say the same.

"I'm sorry, Zeeko," I tried to sound sincere as I shut the front door behind me to start walking toward the kitchen. After rounding the corner, I found Zach standing in his boxers at the bar with his back to me.

"I just feel like crap for what happened to you last weekend," he sighed and turned around to face me with sorrow in his golden brown eyes.

"Nothing happened and it's not your fault."

"I know, but I should've been there to help you out. I'm your best friend and I just should've been there to protect you." He wouldn't let the distraught attitude leave his being, but he turned around to pick up our sack of food and then walked in my direction with the takeout in his hands. "Want to watch a movie while we eat?"

He walked past me before I answered him. I smelt the faint fragrance of clean laundry as his body drifted by, even though the only thing he's wearing are his black boxers. "Sure. What happened to your clothes?" I quickly changed the subject of our conversation with the intention of making a more positive atmosphere for us both.

"Lost them. I got hot earlier," he still kept his responses short with an attitude as he sat himself down and I followed behind.

I plopped myself next to him, letting our hips connect like how Steele's did with mine at the shop. "That look works for you."


"Zach, why are you acting like this?" I kindly asked, grabbing my food from him so that he could begin to eat.

"I'm just frustrated at the fact that you didn't tell me what happened when it happened, and at the fact that now if we try and get physical, that guy touching you is all I'm going to be able to think about."

"Zach," I sighed, turning my body to directly face him. "It's not a big deal. I was over it as soon as it happened. I just want to pretend like it never happened."

"You know, you keep saying that, but I don't understand how you got over it so fast. He tried to rape you." He spoke calmly with skepticism in his voice, reaching towards the coffee table to grab the remote and change the channel as he avoided eye contact.

"Just don't think about it, babe."

"I don't understand how I'm supposed to just let this go."

"It shouldn't even bother you, Zach. We're not dating."

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