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⇋We made it onto the ground level of the frat house, and my eyes automatically turned to the floor as soon as we had managed to blend into the crowd

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We made it onto the ground level of the frat house, and my eyes automatically turned to the floor as soon as we had managed to blend into the crowd.

Well... blend into the crowd the best we could. I don't know if Steele would ever be able to fully blend into a crowd. But I think that's a big part of what makes him so dreamy and impractically perfect. That's why everyone here knows who he is.

I followed closely behind him as I tried to hide my face from the tons of people in this large building. I still don't understand why there are so many people here in the middle of the week. It makes absolutely no sense to me. I do not understand this group of people.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Steele turned his head in my direction after we had made it half way through the packed dining room. I looked up from the wood floors just to make sure everything was alright, though his eyes briefly connected to mine, and he turned his head right back around to its original position. My chest instantly tingled with his random, thoughtful action.

He was making sure I was still following behind him.

That shouldn't be so cute and admirable to me, but it is?

Jesus, the bar is so low.

After another few seconds of pushing past various moving bodies, we had made it into the massive kitchen. I decided to stand behind so that Steele could carelessly shove his way into the center of the packed room up to one of the many dark wood cabinets a few yards away from where I stood.

My eyes randomly lost the back of his curly hair as he got deeper into the sea of moving people, only to instantly find jet black, wind dried hair... headed right in my direction.

Shit. Shit, what do I do?

I turned to the side a little as my attention darted to find anything or anyone else in the room that I could use to make me blend in just a little bit more. He might just be going to the bathroom and he's taking the long way around.

Maybe he hasn't noticed me yet. I'm praying he doesn't see me standing here.

This is the last thing I need.

"Hey," I heard West's voice shout over the surplus of noise a few feet away from my ear.


My eyes lost the drink stain on the wall that had been changing colors with the lights around us so that I could look at him and muster up the friendliest smile possible. "Sup?"

"Still working on cleaning up that mess?" He chuckled at me with a step closer to my body. "I think it might be a lost cause, if we're being honest."

"Oh," I laughed back in response. "Yeah. I was just finishing up. It started getting too crowded though."

"I can see that. Who are you hanging out with anyway?"

"Hope a little bit. I sort of lost-"

"Can I help you?" Steele's booming voice questioned over mine and I turned to find him coming to a standstill with an entire box of whatever those margarita things are in his left hand.

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