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⇋I looked at him and his blood splattered face with sympathy clear in my eyes

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I looked at him and his blood splattered face with sympathy clear in my eyes. Knowing what he had to do and his thought process behind it all makes me hurt for him. I wish he didn't have to do what he had to do, but I can't lie and say I don't appreciate what he did. Whatever that may be.

"Stop pitying me." He almost rolled his eyes at me as he started to slowly drive us away from the library.

"I'm not." I responded, feeling my eyebrows pull even closer together. "I'm just... sorry."

"Don't apologize. You did nothing to deserve that shit." He spoke with a locked jaw which forced his voice to grow deeper and angrier.

"What did you do to him?" My question came out in a nervous whisper. With the way he looks, I almost don't even want to know.

"Doesn't matter."

"He knows where my apartment is." I responded with worry in my voice as Steele continued to slowly drive us through the miniature blizzard. "I think it matters a little bit."

"You won't have to worry about him coming around anytime soon."

"What did you do to him, Steele?" My volume accidentally lowered as I asked.

"Honestly, all I remember is feeling his bones breaking under my knuckles. I don't know what I did to him, so you should just stop asking because I don't want to repeat myself twenty more times."


"He literally fucking texted me with his location minutes before you even sent me that message saying he had come to the library. He was fucking asking for it and he deserved what he fucking got." His glossed over eyes watched the road as we got closer to my apartment. "I only want to protect you."

My attention drifted to his right hand that sat on his knee rather than the steering wheel like it normally does. The amount of blood covering his knuckles is exponentially larger in comparison to what amount peppers his face. I instantly had to look away from the almost gory sight.

"And I want you to not hurt yourself like this. You need to get your hand stitched up tonight, Steele. You can't just leave that medically unattended."

I watched him completely roll his eyes in response to my request. "I'm not going to a fucking hospital. Especially not right now."

"Why not?" I asked him as my volume slightly raised.

"Because if I see him, or his dad, or his friends, or any other motherfucker who wishes to associate with him there, I won't be able to hold myself back. And I would really like to avoid having a warrant out for my arrest."

"You think they don't already have one out on you?" I almost scoffed at him in confusion.

"No." He stated through his teeth again.

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